ok im going 2 go over every card that is in this deck which is not my usual
Thoughtseize - well this deck seems 2 be lacking a good 1 drop so here is thoughtseize! On turn 1 or even 2 this card is super relevent letting you take care of any buisness before it becomes buisness plus it lets you know what's in store for you so you can better prepare for that trash
brimaz, king of oreskos - not only is this guys a nice size body for his cost, and also stops a turn 3 fleecemane lion in its tracks for the next turn or 2 but he also creates a token with every swing which obviously is what this deck is really all about
goblin rabblemaster - again the token generation is real! on another note this guy is most def an alt wincon especially when mixed with a hordeling outburst or 2
monastery mentor - again the tokens ( see a pattern here?) the tokens this guy makes with their prowess triggers makes this so much better especially since the deck runs 17 spells
brutal hordechief - this guy is the actual wincon of this deck he gives all these tokens no fear 2 rage into battle regardless of death and his ability 2 choose how everything blocks is very relevant when you are swinging in with 4 1/1s and they have 4 creatures 2 block...making them all block 1 creature equals guaranteed damage!
butcher of the horde - usually every time you drop this evasive guy he will have haste and be putting them in a very bad spot if they cant answer him that turn or the next
wingmate roc - guess what? he makes a token, but not just any token its another roc! the real effect of this card is the life gain considering you most likely will be swinging in with your horde of 1/1's
raise the alarm - not only does this card make more tokens for your stupid shenanigans but its also a instant speed blocker or in best case scenario removal spell
hordeling outburst - 3 bodys for 3 mana? sounds like exactly what this deck needs!
Elspeth, sun's champion - +1 make dudes? that sounds like its in your ball park plus those dudes protect her also very good! -3 kill all the big dudes this effect is amazing considering r/g monster is still a thing (at least at my local shop) and obviously rhino is a thing...I hate rhino -7 hey you know all those dudes you've been spending all day making? how about we make them bigger and give them flying!
I have yet 2 build the sideboard for this deck so im def. open 2 suggestions probably more cards against control like thoughtseize and stuff...ya know good cards!
thanks in advance for any upvotes and suggestions