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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
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Canadian Highlander | Legal |
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Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
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Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
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Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Rhox Faithmender
Creature — Rhino Monk
If you would gain life, you gain twice that much life instead.
DemonDragonJ on 100 Shades of Gray
2 months ago
I have replaced Boon Reflection with Bloodthirsty Conqueror, since its is good to finally have a creature version of Exquisite Blood; it is unfortunate to have one fewer card that doubles the amount of life than I can gain, but I still have both Rhox Faithmender and Alhammarret's Archive, which is strictly better than the enchantment, in this deck, and I did upset the balance of colors in this deck, with that replacement, but only in a very minor way, thankfully.
legendofa on Commander recomendation thread
1 year ago
Rhox Faithmender, not Rhox Meditant, for the stall card example.
wallisface on Modern Vampire/lifelink
1 year ago
MotelWifi just to explain why these cards you've mentioned aren't particularly good choices:
Merciless Eviction costs a LOT of mana, but as you're a creature deck, isn't good at-all for removing creatures (as it also removes your own). As your opponent won't ever have more than one planeswalker in play (its rare to ever see two), so mana-wise it's much worse than just using Vindicate.
White Sun's Twilight again requires a LOT of mana to do anything. With 22 lands you can't rely on drawing more than 4 over the course of a game - which would mean only being able to cast this where X=2, making it do almost nothing. Generally any combos you try pulling-off need to have the vast majority of the cards costing very-low mana, so that you can assemble the pieces easily - requiring both Rhox Faithmender and Sanguine Bond is going to be using a lot of late-game turns, and will likely mean the game is over before you can combine these cards.
Sorin, Lord of Innistrad is a good card, but you're only running a single copy, so there is no chance at all of reliably playing it in any given game (if most games last until turn 5-6, which is common for modern, you're only seeing it once in every 5ish games).
If you're planning on building the deck around Sorin, Lord of Innistrad, then I think you want to go down the heavy-interaction route. Sorin has the ability to win the game on his own if given enough time, so you just want your deck to be packed with spells that kill-off your opponents board and waste time, so that Sorin can get as much time to gain incremental value. But also, if you're building a deck around a card, you really need 4-of that card in the deck.
MotelWifi on Modern Vampire/lifelink
1 year ago
wallisface So I would like to try and explain my thought process between these cards in the deck. I had Merciless Eviction as a destroy creature planes walker obviously burt as I was looking there are better options. White Sun's Twilight was in there because I was going to combo that with Rhox Faithmender and Sanguine Bond. The whole deck was pretty much just built on pulling the 1/1 from Sorin, Lord of Innistrad as small attacks for health and defense and then use the other three cards as the win condition. I hope that makes sense though I understand what youre saying with the whole better creatures and cheaper mana which yea Merciless Evictionis a pretty pricey card when there is better destroy creatures cards out there.
Azoth2099 on [KFC] Kaalia Friended Chickens
1 year ago
Hey dude, Happy New Year! Hope you're 2024 started in a great way.
I'm stoked that you found a more personalized build that you really love, man! Let's talk about it.
If you're big on Bolas's Citadel, pairing it with Sensei's Divining Top & Aetherflux Reservoir seems natural to me but if you don't want to run combos I understand lol. The Reservoir is also just an awesome value piece here, though. I was really surprised to not see Angel of Destiny in the list, though! More ways to use your life as a resource like Ad Nauseam or Defiler of Faith might be worth considering here too. You're gaining so much life here, I might even consider crazy stuff like Plunge into Darkness, Peer into the Abyss & Spoils of the Vault if you're feeling froggy like that.
I can't remember if I saw Boon Reflection & Rhox Faithmender in the list, but...they exist too lol.
Good hearing from you!
GarryFloof on The Life Lock
1 year ago
I recommend giving a creature lifelink or using one that already has it (Rhox Faithmender is probably best, maybe with Shadowspear attached), attacking or blocking, gaining that much life, (or more with Rhox Faithmender) and putting that many +1/+1 counters directly back into the lifelink. (Cradle of Vitality)
GarryFloof on The Life Lock
1 year ago
This is by far the most I have worked on any of my tapped out decks. And there's a reason. Now, magic players sometimes wish they could just have a deck that could gain so much life, that they can counter any attack just by taking the hits. But of course, not so good that it's going to cost 450+ dollars. This deck is below 300 dollars, and leans into a strategy I call "The Life Lock," to gain enough life. Instead of gaining bulk life, The Life Lock is a different perspective that instead prevents other players from dealing as much damage. (While of course gaining a ton of life) Cards like Soul Warden and Cradle of Vitality, or maybe some Rhox Faithmender will keep your opponents on their toes, and always question whether their creatures are actually worth it. Feel free to edit this deck on your own, adding more protection, more lifegain, or more +1/+1 counters to make this deck as fun for you to play as it is to me.
Journeytodiscoverychannel on The Big Eleventy-One
1 year ago
Tainted Sigil and Children of Korlis make great with Pain's Reward If you have Rhox Faithmender out you could easily get to 111 life by just bidding the difference, between current life and 111, then gain double the amount you bid and draw 4 cards too.
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