They're in there just to deal with flying damage. I ran them in deck:blackblue-meta-thirst-vamps to fly over and bloodthirst my other creatures. Worked wonders (as long as I didn't draw 2 or 3 early).
I have some Lashwrithes that I could throw in and do need some 4-drops. This deck needs a win condition and doesn't really have one yet IMO. Any suggestions?
Idea: Splash blue for Levitation and counter spells.
December 10, 2011 11:53 p.m.
actually Grave Titan is a win con...dies to removal people have though so maybe side in Wurmcoil Engine for people who done use o-rings.....Levitation is a unused card for a reason really...4 mana that doesnt really do anything on its own is bad...instead of that you could cast lashy,pay life and swing for win..just sayin =P
December 11, 2011 12:06 a.m.
Going to try to stay away from any other creature types since I'm trying to +1 the zeds. I'll give the Lashwrithes a try, though. Thanks.
Really, the Nim Deathmantle needs to stay if Grave Titan is going to get any better.
December 11, 2011 12:19 a.m.
Army of the Damned ? Could make Unbreathing Horde extremely powerful.
December 11, 2011 4:27 a.m.
I love that card and have ordered some, but it's hard to justify anything with a cost of 8 in what I'm wanting to be a faster deck. I'd need to pump a lot more in the way of kill spells to wait that out. I was initially running it with Grimoire of the Dead . Probably overkill there, but I think it combos well.
December 11, 2011 4:38 a.m.
Epochalyptik says... #7
Drop Diabolic Tutor . It's a slow card, and your deck should be able to work with whatever is on top of the deck.
21 lands is kind of low for something with this kind of mana curve. 24-25 would likely be better.
Spectral Flight seems kind of underwhelming.
I know it has been suggested, but Skinrender is a strong Zombie in the current meta.
Against red decks, Phyrexian Crusader is a boss. I suspect it would work well against tokens as well. At least consider sideboarding it.
December 30, 2011 4:31 a.m.
I'll sideboard both and experiment with them a little. Spectral Flight is to add some evasion since zombies are all on the ground and to pump up the back end of the Automaton or the Reaper, but I'm open to different ideas for global/creature enchantments or even equipment.
December 30, 2011 4:40 a.m.
Epochalyptik says... #9
I wouldn't go down the equipment route. Trying to field higher-cost creatures, play equipment, and pay for equipment costs will murder your deck's tempo and introduces the potential for a shortage of one element over the other during play.
You might instead consider using more removal to deal with threats your Zombies can't respond to. Dismember or Vapor Snag , for example (I would lean toward the former because it actually kills threats rather then just delay potentially lethal situations).
December 30, 2011 4:44 a.m.
I would say maybe Vengeful Pharaoh as even a 1 of, just provides you with something late game or if they Day of Judgment
January 7, 2012 8:06 a.m.
Minousmancer says... #11
I'd trade out 2xLiliana of the Veil for 2xBlack Sun's Zenith .
March 3, 2012 8:06 p.m.
smash10101 says... #13
nice deck, i'm making a u/b zombie myself, and i've been looking around for ideas. I like the Havengul Lich s and call to kindreds, i need to get me some of those, anyway, +1 and please take a look at my attempt (Zombies! Zombies! Zombies!)
March 25, 2012 2:22 a.m.
Nimblesloth007 says... #14
I love the deck, I very much enjoy the synergy of the blac/blue elements. However, when I playtested this deck, every draw from 7 resulted in a nigh unplayable hand that I had to send back. I expect this kinda thing to happen, but almost every had I drew was terrible. I would either draw 2 Catacombs and a Summit, or a Summit a Slick and a Cavern with no creatures. I am no expert at managing a mana curve, but something tells me starting every game with a mulligan of 6 or 5 is not going to cut it.
August 10, 2012 2:10 a.m.
Totally understand. Had the same issues, but there are ways to work around it. Cavern of Souls can be used for zombies OR vampires depending on what's in my hand (or Ponder draw) and can be tapped for any color mana to play creatures. Not only that, but it's there for a control element I'm lacking due to those slots needing to be filled by specific cards.
I upped the swamps since black is the core of the deck, but am not sure how it will work out. I don't mind mulling once to get a good draw considering the fact that the average CMC is really low. Chances are I could still do well with a mull, especially if I'm on the draw.
My concern is getting to triple black for the card:Geralf's Messenger and to a late game double blue for Skaab Ruinator . Thinking of switching the Skaab out for the Falkenrath Noble again to make things simple. The zombie is so good late game, though, that I'm tempted to just fix the mana until it works reasonably well. Thoughts on what the balance of lands should be?
Vman says... #1
Cobbled Wings isnt really beast...ide put sum more spot removal or if ya want equip try Lashwrithe it works wonders in mono B...
if ya have anytime check out my deck BW morbid experiment ur opinion is greatly apreciated...dun 4get to +1 if ya like =0
December 10, 2011 11:34 p.m.