
Boros gate bs

Deck Tech:

This deck is a grindy value deck that can draw cards to the moon and back. When Basilisk Gate was introduced to pauper this decks power level went up a lot as it gained a really reliable way to close out games and take advantage of it cheap flyers.


This deck has a lot of cheap and powerful artifacts. By using Kor Skyfisher and Glint Hawk we can bounce and replay these artifacts multiple times for their etb effects while also getting efficient, evasive units. Experimental Synthesizer is my personal favorite card in pauper and really shines in this deck as the highest cmc in the deck is 2(avg of 1.23). also, unlike a card such as Ichor Wellspring, we get the impulse draw even when just returning the synthesizer to our hand. Candy Trail and the new Oteclan Landmark   both gives us great dig with scry 2 on a 1-drop. Candy Trail can then turn around and be card draw and life gain while Oteclan Landmark   gives us another flying body(2 really) while also providing an alternate way to sacrifice Experimental Synthesizer. finally, Barbed Batterfist finishes off the artifact package giving us a 2/2 each time it enters the battlefield which gives us a near endless army to buff with Basilisk Gate


The addition of gates into this deck allows even the smallest unit to threaten lethal amounts of damage. the afforementioned Glint Hawk, Kor Skyfisher, and backside of Oteclan Landmark   are all great units that also come with flying to let that extra damage from Basilisk Gate connect more easily. Sacred Cat gives us 2 bodies in one card and each having lifelink allows our gates to close the door vs aggro as well. Thraben Inspector gives us a card later down the road and is a great 1 drop to slow down aggro or bounce with Kor Skyfisher.


To round out this deck we have some really high quality removal. Journey to Nowhere is a premium removal spell that can get rid of even the scariest units of the format. Lightning Bolt and its big brother Galvanic Blast are hyper efficient as removal at 1 mana but can also be turned around to shoot at the opponents face for lethal if needed.


Boros has access to some great sideboard options. Pyroblast comes in to stop those darn blue decks and kill top targets like Tolarian Terror. Dawnbringer Cleric is a super flexible card to come in vs aggro, enchantments, or gy strategies. Gorilla Shaman hits our own lands so we opt for Smash to Smithereens for our artifact hate as well as some built in burn. Palace Sentinels is only for the matchups we need some extra grind. Electrickery is great at clearing away chump blockers and slowing down aggro. Finally there is a 4th copy of Journey to Nowhere for extra removal.

as always, any feedback, ideas, or suggestions are appreciated and if you enjoyed this list consider checking out my other pauper decks --> jonjonhholt


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94% Casual


Revision 4 See all

(4 months ago)

-1 Dawnbringer Cleric side
+2 Guardian of the Guildpact side
-1 Smash to Smithereens side