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Standard: Riddle me this, batman.

Standard UBR (Grixis)



This deck is all about Riddle of Lightning, with a Delve subtheme. I would love feedback otherwise I might think is viable. Check out the idea board for sure!
If you liked it, be sure to leave a witty comment below.

The battleplan:
1: Dig through your deck for combo pieces, specifically Riddle of Lightning.
2: Put up a feeble attempt to salvage your lifetotal with Omenspeaker or black Delve spells.
3: Set up the top cards of your library with Taigam's Scheming.
4: Cast Riddle of Lightning, topdecking high CMC you set up.
5: Cast Riddle of Lightning, topdecking high CMC you set up.
6: If you didn't set up two Dead Drops, burn of the rest with Magma Jet or Covenant of Blood.

The main board:
Riddle of Lightning: Win condition, jimmie-rustler; best card since Charging Badger.
Taigam's Scheming: Sets up our win condition, throws away garbage, enables Delve; best card since Riddle of Lightning.
Tormenting Voice: My favorite draw spell. Enables Delve, gets rid of high CMC in our hand, digs for a very low cost.
Magma Jet: Can burn the last life total, sets up our win condition, gets the land drops, Scrys away garbage; best card since Goblinslide.
Omenspeaker: Provides a small protective body, sets up our win condition, gets the land drops, scrys away garbage and she looks stoned as a goblin.
Rummaging Goblin: Provides a small protective body, enables Delve, gets rid of high CMC in our hand and digs.

HIGH CMC (these are all targets for Riddle of Lightning)
Shambling Attendants: Can also serve as a body, because he can be played with Delve.
Covenant of Blood: Can also serve as a burn finisher or clutch life gain.
Dead Drop: Biggest CMC, two hit knock out for the Riddler in the red corner. Can also be played with Delve in a pinch.
Treasure Cruise: All aboard the draw train, err boat. Again, Delve baby Delve.
Dig Through Time: All aboard the dig train, err thingie. Again, Delvers gonna Delve.

The maybeboard is full of ideas I had, I'd love your input. Also a few strict upgrades.
The idea board:
Bitter Revelation: Scry and enables Delve, I dunno though. I consider this a cheaper alternative for Dig Through Time.
Boulderfall: Does more damage than Covenant of Blood, has higher CMC for Riddle of Lightning, but has no Convoke/Delve.
Dictate of the Twin Gods: Would be hilarious: turn 5 Dictate of the Twin Gods, turn 6 Riddle of Lightning into Dead Drop for 20 damage. I need someone to convince me.
Eidolon of the Great Revel: For burning a few lifepoints.
Font of Ire: So you can burn the opponent before Riddling it up. Also so you have something to do in turn 2-4.
Mnemonic Wall: Recycle Riddle of Lightning, maybe?
Murderous Cut: Delve removal, also looks kinda cool.
Pull from the Deep: Recycle Riddle of Lightning, maybe? Might be too slow, maybe?
Woolly Loxodon: High CMC and can be played as a 2/2. If I need more board presence to survive he might make the cut.
Worst Fears: My worst fear is facing the Riddler.

The upgrade board
Bloodstained Mire/Polluted Delta: Probably auto-includes if you have them.
Temple of Deceit/Temple of Epiphany/Temple of Malice: Probably auto-includes if you have them.
Necropolis Fiend: Upgrade from Shambling Attendants. Double black might be slow, I don't know. has higher CMC too.


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Rares

12 - 0 Uncommons

20 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 5.39
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