Amonkhet God of Zombies

Standard Argy


shagg says... #1

Love the deck, I run a slightly different version, albeit with some of the famous cards you've already said you're not interested in.

I would swap the 3 Censors for 3 Supreme Wills. My reasoning is that Censor is easy to play around, making it just a cycle card and a bluff that slows your opponent down a little after turn 3. Supreme Will is a much heftier counterspell and lets you dig if you want the card instead.

I'm also a fan of 2x Blighted Fen in this kind of deck. Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet might be nice in sideboard if you haven't ruled him out already.

July 27, 2017 2:15 p.m.

Argy says... #2

My biggest problem with adding cards to the mix that aren't Counter or destruction spells is that I need as many Counters/destruction as possible, because I need as many chances of protecting Liliana, the Last Hope and The Scarab God as I can.

That rules out Dark Salvation and Rise from the Tides, even though they would be great in the late game.

I know exactly what you mean by playing around Censor, I do it all the time, but that works in this deck's favour.

If my Opponent has to wait until Turn 2 or 3 to play their first Creature, it gives me a chance to let Liliana, the Last Hope slip on to the field with less threats.

I like where it falls on the curve.

I considered Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet but I want to make the spells in my Sideboard able to react to whatever threats my Opponent is playing.

That doesn't leave room for extra Creatures.

I do like the suggestion of Never / Return. The card has been a favourite of mine.

I'll try to find some slots for it in the Sideboard.

Thanks for the feedback.

July 27, 2017 2:47 p.m.

shagg says... #3

Fair enough, my opinion on Censor is personal as much as based on experience, and I understand some people really like the card.

I typically don't run 4x of legendary creatures or plainswalkers. Not saying you're wrong to do so, but I'm curious as to the reasoning. I keep wanting to find a way to squeeze Anticipate or Supreme Will in to filter your hand, it made a big difference for me going from 2-4 card draw spells to 7-9, having that ability to dig for a specific land, counter, removal, or creature. Turn 2 Anticipate often keeps the land drops coming, where as you won't be playing Glimmer of Genius until you get 4 lands down. And is Sphinx of the Final Word already denied? It's horribly typical of a control deck to have 1 in the sideboard, but you may suffer for not having it.

I don't consider myself a control or B/U guru, half of this is me trying to fish out your thoughts on my unproven opinions. But I've come to love B/U control and plan on continuing on with it after half of this stuff rotates in Oct.

July 27, 2017 4:05 p.m.

Argy says... #4

We play very differently.

I just about always run four of the same Legendary or Planeswalker.

In this case it's more important because both are needed as win cons.

An extra Liliana, the Last Hope just means another chance at an Emblem.

If they get rid of The Scarab God I will have a backup.

I could now go into a great detail replying to what you said but I am tired.

Instead I will thank you for your input.

July 27, 2017 6:33 p.m.

NicoSP90 says... #5

First: Loved the deck. Nice idea, strategy and falvour. Reaaly like this short of thing.

About the suggestions: I have not playtested the deck too much, so I may be wrong in a few things and other are just personal things...

What about 1 or 2 Flaying Tendrils in sideboard? Quite useful against Mardu matches...

In my opinion 4 Essence Scatter, Disallow and Yahenni's Expertise is a bit too much. If you don't want to add a Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet, any thoughts on Lay Bare the Heart?

Flavour option: I used to play 1 copy of Cruel Reality in my grixis control against other walker/control decks. Since your deck is about bringing dammnation to the opponent this can show then how cruel life is...

Again, nice deck. Just a personal opinion. Maybe I'll try something close to this.

July 28, 2017 4:52 p.m.

Ever since I learned about Tamiyo's Journal, I've learned to use it in quite a few decks that have specific win conditions. If tamiyo's journal can stay on the field, it can have more value that Glimmer in some circumstances.

July 28, 2017 5:12 p.m.

Argy says... #7

If I was going to use Tamiyo's Journal I'd probably just go for Diabolic Tutor instead.

There's so much Artifact hate around, at the moment.

I'll have a think about Flaying Tendrils and Lay Bare the Heart.

July 29, 2017 3:06 a.m.

Brannan says... #8

So through my play testing it seems as though earlier game blocking for Liliana, the Last Hope is tough, until you get out The Scorpion God, so my idea is to throw in Doomed Dissenter because its an easy chump block that turns into a zombie to trigger The Scorpion God earlier.

July 30, 2017 2:30 p.m.

+1, really like the idea of the deck. Curious, why do you have Dispel in the mainboard instead of Disallow?

July 30, 2017 2:51 p.m.

Argy says... #11

xLovePotionNo9x I anticipate keeping either Liliana, the Last Hope or The Scorpion God on the field will be the biggest challenge of this deck.

Most people prefer Instants to get rid of those type of cards.

Hence I START with Dispel and Negate.

If it turns out that Sorceries are used to get rid of them, I will switch to Invasive Surgery instead of Dispel.

I have used Turn Aside in other past decks, but the emergence of Hour of Devastation makes that not as effective.

Creatures are the other big problem for Liliana, the Last Hope, so for those I have Essence Scatter and destruction spells.

If it turns out that there are more Creatures or Non-Creature spells than I bargained for, out come the spells that aren't as useful, and in comes Disallow.

I also like Disallow to make an unexpected showing in Game 2. That's how I started playing it in my decks and I've been pleasantly surprised with the results.

This probably has a LOT to do with play style and experience.

July 30, 2017 3:25 p.m. Edited.

Argy says... #12

Brannan I have no idea when/how you are playing Liliana, the Last Hope.

It's a real timing thing.

You've got to make sure you have enough spells in hand, before you put her on the field, to make sure you can deal with any nasty surprises eg. Counter spells, Creatures with Flash, etc.

Have a look at UR Control by OAFMCNAMARA to see what I'm trying to do here.

July 30, 2017 7:03 p.m. Edited.

gaviel76 says... #13

Have you considered Dark Salvation for some potential removal/flavor? It would generate some chump zombie blocks and removal at the same time

August 1, 2017 5:19 p.m.

Argy says... #14

That's an interesting idea gaviel76

I like it because it allows removal as WELL as making some Zombies.

I'll give that a go.


August 1, 2017 6:48 p.m.

Argy says... #15

Calispotato sorry, mate.

I read what you said. I just didn't have anything to add to it.

August 2, 2017 8:46 p.m.

Argy Funny enough I was making this same interaction and came across some stuff that might help. So removal is always good but its important to have some creatures. My suggestion would be Moaning Wall. good defense to stall for Liliana, the Last Hope to make it to 10 and for you to get Scarab out.

August 3, 2017 3:11 a.m.

Argy says... #17

Liliana, the Last Hope only needs to get to 7 loyalty counters, then make her Emblem, for this deck to do what I want it to.

Not sure why you think she needs to get 10 loyalty counters.

August 3, 2017 4:23 a.m. Edited.

Argy Sorry dont know why I put 10 I meant 7 but slips of the mind happen.

August 3, 2017 4:36 a.m.

Argy says... #19

No worries.

I thought I might be missing something!

August 3, 2017 5:13 a.m.

xWIDOWxMAKERx says... #20

May I suggest throwing in Wayward Servant ?

August 5, 2017 3:39 a.m.

Argy says... #22

Thanks for the suggestion but I don't want to play three colours just to include one card.

August 5, 2017 7:39 a.m.

Zooby9 says... #23

Have you considered putting Disallow mainboard? I know it is more expensive than your other control spells but it has the added bonus of being able to counter the ability of an artifact or enchantment that, if you didn't counter it, would be able to activate.

August 6, 2017 6:04 p.m.

Argy says... #24

Zooby9 I've already discussed that in earlier Comments.

August 7, 2017 5:48 a.m.

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