
Instant (4)

Sorcery (4)


Creature (2)

Whether you want to get that bucketlist item of winning on turn 1, are looking for a unique combo deck, or want to ruin the friendly mulligan for your casual playgroup, this deck is for you(assuming you have like trust fund money idk why you are playing pauper if this is how much you spend on one deck)

Deck Tech:

This deck aims to use a plethora of ritual effects like Lotus Petal and Songs of the Damned to cheat out an early Balustrade Spy to mill our entire library and then cheat out Lotleth Giant to deal ~30 to our opponent. Winning on turn 1 is possible but usually you are looking to go off on turn 2 or turn 3(lets you get land out and untapped)

STEP 0: get land out of deck with Land Grant or Generous Ent

STEP 1: play hella rituals/free mana

STEP 2: play Balustrade Spy which dumps the entire library right into the graveyard!

STEP 3: unearth a couple of Dregscape Zombie's to get up to 3 creatures in play needed to...

STEP 4: ...flashback Dread Return to summon a Lotleth Giant from the gy into play dealing like 30 damage to your opponent :D

STEP 5: find new friends ;-;

UPDATE: with the addition of Destroy the Evidence you can alternatively target your own land to mill your entire deck and then unearth 3 dregscape zombies to sacrifice to dread return (this overall costs 1 less mana than using Dimir House Guard to tutor Balustrade Spy)

as always, feedback, ideas, and suggestions are appreciated and if you enjoyed this feel free to check out my other pauper lists --> jonjonhholt


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94% Competitive

Revision 6 See all

(1 year ago)

+1 Cabal Ritual main
-1 Forest main