Stonybrook Schoolmaster

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Stonybrook Schoolmaster

Creature — Merfolk Wizard

Whenever Stonybrook Schoolmaster becomes tapped, you may put a 1/1 blue Merfolk Wizard creature token into play.

legendofa on What commanders do you want …

1 year ago

There's a lot of niche commanders now, and a lot of general use goodstuff commanders, but every so often I come up with a deck design that I really like, but there's no satisfying commanders for it.

This deck, Do Not Mistake Peace For Passivity, is a enchantments deck (not Voltron). There are a couple of options in the other trios, but not Naya.

Another deck idea, that isn't fully lined out yet, is Bant merfolk tribal, getting Sygg, River Guide, Stonybrook Schoolmaster, Vodalian Wave-Knight, and all the Ixalan merfolk together in a big pile of value. (Incidentally, Tuvasa the Sunlit is an enchantment commander and a Merfolk, but doesn't support either of these ideas.)

What niches have you found, that you want to see filled?

wallisface on How the time to convoke …

1 year ago

No, it won’t work that way.

”702.51a Convoke is a static ability that functions while the spell with convoke is on the stack.”

While something’s being resolved on the stack, other interactions can’t even be added to the stack, let alone resolved. The triggered ability to create the token from Stonybrook Schoolmaster wont even be added to the stack until after the convoke cost has been paid

pedroedmarcos on How the time to convoke …

1 year ago

So, I just saw a video using the example of having a Stonybrook Schoolmaster on the field and casting Meeting of Minds. Convoking with schoolmaster, creating a token and convoking with the token the meeting of minds. Is that really a thing?

Durkle on Give it a little tappy, tap tap tap-aroo

1 year ago

Hey. Funny enough, I've been working on this archetype for a while now. Excited for the new convoke cards. I'm not here to tell you how to build your deck, but I do wanna share some of my experience with you.

I've tried a ton of different versions, spanning all 5 colors. At the core of every single version is 4 Field Surgeon 4 Stonybrook Schoolmaster. Beyond that, it's kinda fair game. I started out in green builds with stuff like Jaspera Sentinel and Sprout Swarm and whatnot, but those builds never performed that well for me. You'd think they would, but it just never felt like what the deck needed. When you build around Field Surgeon and Schoolmaster, what you need from there is redundancy and ways to stabilize, not necessarily ways to go even wider. At least, that was my conclusion. To that end, I would highly highly recommend Samite Herbalist and Veteran Armorer. You kinda have herbalist subbed out for Judge of currents, which is fine too, but I really value the scry from herbalist. Especially early game. If you stumble at getting on the board early, the deck can look kind of pathetic to be totally honest lmao. Oh, and Veteran Armorer just does so much work at preserving your board. Completely frees you up from worrying about Suffocating Fumes and Electrickery. Obsidian Acolyte is extremely important out of the board. Among other things, it makes you a lot safer against Pestilence.

The two versions I've had the most success with (and neither of them are updated to account for new cards yet) are my Orzhov and Azorius builds. Especially with Meeting of the Minds existing now, I totally suspect that Azorius will be how I run it most often now. Azorius Surgeon and the tap sisters, if you care to take a look. I really need to update each, but they're both a lot of fun.

Also, don't be a coward, you gotta run at least one copy of ~~Ancestral Recall~~ Shared Discovery.

This all came out a bit more eclectically worded than I meant it too, but I'm excited to see somebody else working on this archetype. Godspeed.

iammute on Tocasia Token Tron

2 years ago

Stonybrook Schoolmaster could be great here as an additional Emmara

SacredAtsira on Merfolk Manipulation

2 years ago

If you intend to win via Wanderwine, I think you should mainboard the Stonybrook Schoolmaster then, as that itself goes infinite.

legendofa on Which non-partner commanders would you …

2 years ago

With permission, or even without, I'm going to take a cue from Last_Laugh and give a little background on my Bant Merfolk thought. Merfolk have a decent tapping/untapping theme, with effects like Lullmage Mentor, Merrow Commerce, and Stonybrook Schoolmaster. Good for , but it leaves out cards like Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca, Glare of Subdual, and Seedborn Muse that would push it to the next level. There aren't really any Bant commanders or partners that support this strategy, and the only Bant Merfolk commander is Tuvasa the Sunlit. I've been wanting to build this for a while, but I've never been satisfied with the available options. It doesn't help that Thrasios, Triton Hero is pretty much universally recognized as a combo commander.

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