Shorecrasher Mimic

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Shorecrasher Mimic

Creature — Shapeshifter

Whenever you play a spell that's both green and blue, Shorecrasher Mimic becomes 5/3 and gains trample until end of turn.

Icbrgr on First deck in a while!

5 years ago

I think rather than use a simic ETB sub theme with Selkie Hedge-Mage / Man-o'-War and Snap if you were to go "all-in" on Shorecrasher Mimic with lots of draw provided with Cold-Eyed Selkie (which you can put counters on) and Spreading Seas you can ultimately speed up your games via unblockable/huge fish... maybe consider Vapor Snag for clearing away blockers?

Icbrgr on First deck in a while!

5 years ago

I used to run a Shorecrasher Mimic deck and that card WILL win games... especially with favor of the over being, I'd make that at least a 3-of. I'd also consider Cold-Eyed Selkie and Trygon Predator . +1

capoznich on Simic Mimic

5 years ago

Sorry, turns out I can’t read. Probably not worth since it doesn’t trigger Shorecrasher Mimic

venatcher on Bouncing Faeries Everywhere

6 years ago

Disrupting Shoal can be very efficient, but I didn't add it to my deck for two simples reason : First, I tried to build a affordable deck and the cost of this card is almost 10 bucks. Secondly, the average CMC of the deck is pretty low, I'm afraid that Disrupting Shoal wouldn't be enough against big spell. You right for Favorable Winds, I already added it to my sideboard.

Like I said in my description, Vapor Snag can be a tiny plus to "peel" you opponent. Obviously, this 1HP damage is quite irrelevent and can be a pain if it's self-inflicted. I'll edit my description to add Unsummon for people who doesn't want this 1 extra damage.

I don't know if it's worth splashing this deck with green because there are not lot of fearies card in green. I think merfolk are more compatible. But If you want to try, you'll need to readapt the deck with these cards Groundling Pouncer, Shorecrasher Mimic or Slippery Bogle, for example.

It's been a while I didn't actualize this deck. You are perfectly right, this brand new card can be very good. I'll add Blink of an Eye to the deck and put Boomerang to the sideboard. Boomerang still be effective if your opponent plays a lands oriented deck.

Yes ! I always forget graveyard managment. In my opinion, the two cards are relevent. Tormod's Crypt is cheaper (in mana and real money) but Relic of Progenitus can be useful too. I'll add Tormod's Crypt in the sideboard and Relic of Progenitus in the mayboard because of its cost.

Icbrgr on Advertise your deck!

6 years ago

I have had a casual yet modern legal simic deck revolving around Shorecrasher Mimic & Fable of Wolf and Owl and I recently gave it a bit of a face lift to get more use out of the 6CMC enchantment... looking for any and all pointers and opinions.

Shorecrashing Fable

Modern Icbrgr


Icbrgr on Yet another "budget fun" deck …

7 years ago

granted its not a combo deck... but its very budget friendly and will make people "FEAR THE FISH!!!!" at least thats what its done to my play group.... simic deck revolving around Shorecrasher Mimic and Fable of Wolf and Owl.... honestly all of the mimics are worth looking into building around but i can really vouce for an unexpected power level here!

Shorecrashing Fable

Modern Icbrgr


mrfab13 on Pauper Simic Beatdown

7 years ago

just giving counters isnt enough with nothing to put them on. if i was you id shift to be more aggro, you deck seems to fit Shorecrasher Mimic in well also Favor of the Overbeing and stuff that abuse multi colour, there is Wings of Velis Vel for +4/+4 and flying as your guys are 0/0. anything with the persist mechanic gets alot of recursion, graft is a ok ability and you can make a ok deck with it but you gotta exploit and abuse mechanics if you want you deck to be good. hydropon with Snakeform can trips and its a 6/6 and its also a kill spell, theres also Lignify for a 5/9 attacker on turn 4. this deck has alot of potential

Icbrgr on Intro Decks

7 years ago

The mimic/hatchling cycles from eventide are fun to build around (Shorecrasher Mimic/Sturdy Hatchling)... My other suggestion is tribal decks like treefolk and illusions ECT ECT.

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