Decanter of Endless Water

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Decanter of Endless Water


You have no maximum hand size.

: Add one mana of any colour.

DemonDragonJ on Don't Blink, or You'll Miss It!

3 weeks ago

I have replaced Decanter of Endless Water and Thought Vessel with Bloom Tender and Faeburrow Elder, because the creatures are better suited for this deck; while those creatures may not possess abilities that trigger when they enter the battlefield, this deck contains numerous other cards that synergize with creatures, such as Aura Shards, Eladamri, Korvecdal, or Chulane, himself, so I am very pleased with this decision.

DemonDragonJ on All Creatures Great and Small

1 month ago

I have replaced Chromatic Lantern, Commander's Sphere, and Decanter of Endless Water with Dryad of the Ilysian Grove, Enduring Vitality, and Faeburrow Elder, because, as great as those artifacts are, this deck has a strong focus on creatures, so I believe that those creatures shall better suit the theme of this deck.

Now, I need to decide whether or not I shall replace Arcane Signet and Thought Vessel with Steward of Valeron and Zhur-Taa Druid?

DemonDragonJ on How Good is Atalan Jackal?

2 months ago

wallisface, as long as we are discussing my Ghired, Conclave Exilefoil deck, I would like to put Enduring Vitality into that deck, but I am not certain what card I should replace; I have decided that I shall remove either Commander's Sphere or Decanter of Endless Water to make room for the creature, but which of those artifacts do you believe is less crucial to my deck?

DemonDragonJ on How Can I Put Enduring …

2 months ago

I have decided that I shall replace either Commander's Sphere or Decanter of Endless Water with Enduring Vitality, so which of those cards does everyone else here believe is less valuable and more expendable?

DemonDragonJ on How Can I Put Enduring …

3 months ago

Noxid05, I am much too fond of Chromatic Lantern to remove it, but I can certainly remove either Commander's Sphere or Decanter of Endless Water, although I would like to receive feedback from several more users, before I make a decision, about this, and Chord of Calling is simply too good to remove from this deck.

Noxid05 on How Can I Put Enduring …

3 months ago

You have 11 sources of ramp in your deck already, so I would look there, because normally I find 10 to be enough. My suggestions would be Chromatic Lantern, Commander's Sphere, or Decanter of Endless Water, because these are all 3 mana rocks that tap for 1 mana. The other that I would look at would be Chord of Calling, because from the looks of it you seem to have a strong casual deck and tutors tend to give the illusion of a higher power deck even if it is casual.

multimedia on Brew my deck for me

3 months ago

Consider High Tide for ramp and/or with spells that can untap your Islands Turnabout, Frantic Search, Snap? Just Tide + Turnabout + you control 4 Islands could give you 10 mana turn 4. Mystic Sanctuary is a fantasic land that's an Island. Castle Vantress isn't an Island, but it's a good land for instant repeatable scry.

Consider Thought Vessel and/or Decanter of Endless Water? Mana rocks for ramp that can also potentially give you no max hand size before you control Nezahal. Reliquary Tower is a land for no max hand size.

Consider Forensic Researcher, Kelpie Guide, etc.? They can untap a land or a land that can make more than 1 mana Arid Archway, Guildless Commons even the same turn the land ETB. They can also untap a mana rock or even better a mana rock that can make more than 1 mana Sol Ring, Worn Powerstone, Palladium Myr, Thran Dynamo, Hedron Archivefoil, Gilded Lotusfoil, etc. They can also untap Nezahal to be a blocker.

A spell advantage blue has are instants that let you look at top X cards of your library and put one or more of any of them into our hand (any card(s) into hand is the advantage). Consider Impulse, Memory Deluge, Dig Through Time, Supreme Will, Thassa's Intervention, etc.? When you're casting instants on opponents' turns then Wavebreak Hippocamp is repeatable card draw. Being a 3 drop you can more safely play it and leave up mana for instant opponent interaction.

Gidgetimer on Should I Replace Arcane Signet …

1 year ago

For Chulane in particular, a 1-mana dork is significantly better than almost any rock. I wouldn't necessarily cut arcane signet looking at the deck. I would probably cut Thought Vessel, Decanter of Endless Water, and Commander's Sphere all before Arcane Signet.

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