Wrench Mind

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Wrench Mind


Target player discards two cards unless he or she discards an artifact card.

DreadKhan on Composting with Wurms

1 month ago

Dark Ritual will let you cast Buried Alive turn 1 fwiw, it can also help power out some of your bigger reanimation spells, or even a Wurm in a pinch.

Ornithopter of Paradise isn't as expensive as Birds of Paradise, but it's got the same ability, and it can technically fix you a bit better since you it can give you the Green you might need.

Augur of Skulls is a real utility creature, it can chump reasonably well (as long as they don't have evasion), it can force anyone to discard 2 cards for only 1B (normally you'd pay 2B for this via Mind Rot, or perhaps Wrench Mind), you might target an opponent, but you can also use it to discard 2 cards if that's exactly what you want. There is also something like Putrid Imp that might do the same thing for only B, but it's not useful as a chump blocker.

jethstriker on How Good is Tyrannize?

1 month ago

If the goal of the deck is to make the opponent discard, then I suggest you replace the creatures that needs to connect first for more dedicated discard spells. Wrench Mind, Hymn to Tourach, and Mind Twist partnered with The Rack and Shrieking Affliction makes a good base for a discarder deck.

Also, I think its already common knowledge that choice cards are not ideal inclusions. If you really insist on using them, one of the better choice cards I recommend is Vexing Devil. It comes down fast and early enough that the opponent might make the wrong choice due to lack of information.

Xalor90 on Set You Off Like a Spark, Into Oblivion

3 months ago

Predator_90 thanks for the suggestion, but after thinking on it, I don’t think Wrench Mind really adds anything here. I’ve already got plenty of ways to force discarding. With Tourach, Dread Cantor, however, I can boost his power repeatedly, since he gets +1/+1 every time my opponent discards. It’s more about getting extra value out of the discards.

Predator_90 on Set You Off Like a Spark, Into Oblivion

3 months ago

The kicker cost of tourach, makin it 4 mana, look very prohibitive on 16 lands deck. I'd swap it for Wrench Mind

SufferFromEDHD on Tinybones, The Pickpocket

10 months ago

Wrench Mind one more Hymn.

Strongarm Tactics niche. Kind of a "damned if you do, damn if you don't" kind of card.

Noxious Vapors potential.

Pulse of the Dross the deck looks like it leans Hellbent. This is a great discard outlet with built in Buyback.

YesterdaysGhost on Cash-Strapped Black Racks

1 year ago

Moved 3x Wrench Mind to sideboard and brought in 2x Inquisition of Kozilek & 1x Liliana of the Veil from their sideboard positions. Inquisitions open up mana a little more and give space for Liliana.

Andramalech on 8-Rack Rat-Pack

2 years ago

Balaam__ you're so right! In truth this deck is put together based on things I had around the house at the time of the idea, and it's certainly effective. Even Wrench Mind has a place here, but I certainly appreciate the recommendation! I have roughly 40.00$ left for improvement cards based on this build, so I could likely do an updates and discussion tab to detail "what do we do to make it better" kinda things. Any other tidbits of wisdom? You've always got really great feedback based on whatever the current goal is and I just want you to know you're appreciated.

Thanks again, Balaam__!

Bulldawg1310 on Money Rack

2 years ago

you should also probably running Wrench Mind atleast in the sideboard

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