Kwain, Itinerant Meddler
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Kwain, Itinerant Meddler

Legendary Creature — Rabbit Wizard

: Each player may draw a card, then each player who drew a card this way gains 1 life.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Harbor Guardian
Sokrates, Athenian Teacher
Wings of the Cosmos
Veteran's Reflexes
Vault Skyward

ldvatwa on Garden of Damia

4 months ago

I love the build! As you mentioned Ruin Crab above, it always puts in work in my mill decks. Even in non-ramp decks like my Kwain, Itinerant Meddler mill deck. As well The Wise Mothman and my now defunct Lord Xander, the Collector. Few things felt as good as dropping a Boundless Realms or Reshape the Earth with Ruin Crab on the board!

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Triyng to find some Ghen …

7 months ago

legendofa: I'd love to such sets. It seems as WotC might be onto that. Looking at Bloomburrow and what it might be, it's propable that it's the homeplane of Archelos, Lagoon Mystic, Kwain, Itinerant Meddler and other similar creatures (I thought about Chatterfang, too, but dude isn't wearing any clothes besides his necklace, so maybe he's not from there). So we might be getting more and more of these random home planes.

GodzSoldier on Is the New Heliod Justified …

1 year ago

I wouldn't treat this as a Leyline. This card you should either be abusing for it's front, or back. These new double cards can rarely be abused for both. And that's fine. The front is fine if you only have a few enchantment but only if said enchantments are among your best in the deck, and you know opponents will remove them the second they get the chance. Like ryhsitic study or even an omniscience. The back obviously being completely different, possibly made for decks like Kwain, Itinerant Meddler or other wheel or group hug decks. I don't know what enchantment decks are in Azorius, since most top enchantments decks are Selesnya.

4to16characters on Kwain Overdraw

1 year ago

Awesome and brutal take on Kwain, Itinerant Meddler.

I built him as well and I thought I'd share my list. It's less slug and more hug but there may be some fun picks in the mix: Kwain's Friendly Fun House - Azorious

DemonDragonJ on Should I Put Loran in …

1 year ago

I am considering putting Loran of the Third Path in my Kynaios and Tiro of Meletis EDH deck for her destruction ability, and I most likely would remove Temple Bell to make room for her, since Kwain, Itinerant Meddler and Selvala, Explorer Returned have secondary abilities beyond card drawing, but Loran does not cause all players to draw cards, which means that I would need to use her more strategically, and I could also risk making enemies if I do not user her ability carefully.

What does everyone else say? Should I put Loran of the Third Path in my Kynaios and Tiro of Meletis deck, or is she not worth the trouble that she could cause?

Mannlicher on Psycho Bunny Wonderland

2 years ago


This deck was an idea to use some of my old cards, and also see just how nuts I could go with Kwain, Itinerant Meddler. This deck is a spider-web of synergy and combos, multiple infinite combos, and complete bonkers level shenanigans lurking behind a friendly-looking magic rabbit. This is not a budget deck, but in a gracious nod to Lewis Carroll, it is incredibly fun to go "down the rabbit-hole".


At it's core, the deck is group hug with card-draw, card based mana-ramp, and multiple options for life-gain. I use a few card-draw creatures as well, such as Shabraz, the Skyshark for their synergy with Kwain. Alternate win conditions include Approach of the Second Sun, Jace's Archivist, Windfall, Jace, Wielder of Mysteries, Triskaidekaphile, and Test of Endurance; but the deck is also perfectly capable of beating someone to death with a giant fish - or a giant anything thanks to numerous life-gain options paired with an Archangel of Thune.

The deck has several prison elements with Moat, Silent Arbiter, and Archon of Emeria, as well as Propaganda, Ghostly Prison, and Sphere of Safety. Silent Arbiter and Crawlspace help directly reduce the deck's exposure to attack, along with Gwafa Hazid, Profiteer for any specific threats or "when attacks" triggers. Finally, since this deck does not rely on creatures or doing damage to win, and generates lots of cards in hand, Meishin, the Mind Cage is an easy way to reduce all opponents' creatures to 0 power. For direct damage and targeted attacks outside of combat, the deck includes The Wanderer and Greater Auramancy.

Card draw, treasure tokens, and unlimited hand-size combine with four different Tutors, an Urza's Saga, and a Teferi's Puzzle Box help you keep multiple options in hand, and hopefully keep Kwain hopping one or two steps ahead of your opponents (Remember to use the tutors before your Teferi's Puzzle Box hits the board). Tidal Barracuda, and Vedalken Orrery let you cast anything on anyone's turn. Walking Atlas helps get rid of lands anytime it's not tapped (another combo with Mind Over Matter), and Drumbellower and Teferi, Who Slows the Sunset make sure you're able to untap on every turn, so you can play cards anytime - including win-cons like Laboratory Maniac or Jace's Archivist on an opponent's end-step, then draw for the win.

Circling back to Sphere of Safety - the deck runs 18 enchantments natively, but also features Enchanted Evening to turn everyone's permanents into enchantments. (The deck also conveniently includes Cleansing Nova to destroy all enchantments, which is an absolutely devastating total board wipe when paired with Enchanted Evening, especially if you have Avacyn, Angel of Hope in play on your side). With Enchanted Evening on the board and Sphere of Safety, every permanent you control also counts toward your opponents' cost to attack you for each creature they target you with. Comboing Enchanted Evening, Avacyn, Angel of Hope, and Greater Auramancy means every permanent has both indestructible and shroud, and prevents your planeswalkers from being targeted (or targeted for attacks) directly.

I am only running two counterspells, Mana Drain and Force of Negation, so the deck uses Dovescape to lock down any stray non-creature spells, as well as Tidal Barracuda and ultimately Forced Fruition to further reduce any errant spellcasting. And in this deck, Dovescape not only helps creates magnitudes of tokens, but each of those tokens is potentially an enchantment when it hits the board. With Enchanted Evening in play, those tokens, or ... literally ... any ... other card you play, combos off Archon of Sun's Grace to instantly create infinite (enchantment) pegasus tokens, and become effectively a 1 card infinite combo of 2/2 flying (avoiding Moat) lifelink pegasus. Every. Single. Time. any permanent hits the board under your control after you have both in play.

The Deck includes a The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale to help keep down on the riff-raff, (plus kill off a few billion pegasus every turn), and helps tie up opponent's mana; meshing with the prison cards we already use. For its own mana, there are some basic mana-rocks and a Smothering Tithe to help offset some of the higher casting cost spells if Braids, Conjurer Adept is not on the board.

The Smothering Tithe pairs well with sheer card-draw provided through Forced Fruition, Temple Bell, Kami of the Crescent Moon, and Kwain, Itinerant Meddler to almost guarantee several dozen treasure tokens each turn and help the deck rapidly ramp to maintain both card and board advantage towards casting an Omniscience.

More combo madness, Teferi's Puzzle Box helps spin through the deck looking for lands and combo solutions. Teferi's Puzzle Box also combos really well with Shabraz, the Skyshark and Alhammarret's Archive, effectively doubling the card-draw effect of Teferi's Puzzle Box each draw phase - and Sphinx of the Second Sun provides double the draw-phases per turn, so you're geometrically quadrupling your cards in hand each turn (and possibly playing them for free). And, for every card you draw, the shark is growing, your life is growing, and if you have the Archangel of Thune, everything else is growing too.

If you want to discard cards from your hand, to hit Triskaidekaphile for instance, or just go infinite with your commander, you can use Mind Over Matter, Omniscience, or Peace of Mind to manipulate your hand-size and either play or discard. The deck includes an Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre, Timetwister and Elixir of Immortality to shuffle your graveyard back into your hand, as well as Displacer Kitten and Angel of Finality to exile your opponents' graveyards with a quick bounce.


Summary Combos:

Forced Fruition + Smothering Tithe == Treasure Tokens

Teferi's Puzzle Box + Shabraz, the Skyshark == Giant Shark and TONS of life-gain every turn

Teferi's Puzzle Box + Shabraz, the Skyshark + Alhammarret's Archive == Sheer madness

Teferi's Puzzle Box + Shabraz, the Skyshark + Alhammarret's Archive + Archangel of Thune == Same as above, but now ALL of your creatures grow exponentially, every turn

Kwain, Itinerant Meddler + (any of the above) == even more nuts

Kwain, Itinerant Meddler + Mind Over Matter == Infinite combo, draw your deck

Kwain, Itinerant Meddler + Mind Over Matter + (any "if you cannot draw you win") = instant win

Enchanted Evening + Sphere of Safety == every card you have counts towards attack cost

Enchanted Evening + Cleansing Nova == total board wipe (lands, creatures, artifacts, all permanents)

Enchanted Evening + Aura Fracture + (any land) == targeted removal of any permanent

Enchanted Evening + Archon of Sun's Grace == infinite flying pegasus whenever ANY card hits the board under your control, even treasure tokens from Forced Fruition.

Enchanted Evening + Greater Auramancy == every card you play has shroud when it comes into play, but will interfere with Mind Over Matter combo with Kwain.

Sheer Card Draw and hand-size + Mind Over Matter == you can tap or untap whatever you want, whenever you want, and you can reshuffle your graveyard with Elixir of Immortality or Timetwister.


There's more I could write about with additional combos and card interactions, but those are the highlights. The deck is just all-out madness to play and can quietly build and recycle cards until it comes out of nowhere with an 600/600 flying shark. I enjoy it. I hope you will as well.

Thank you.

AstroAA on Should I Keep Luminarch Ascension …

2 years ago

This is coming a couple hours later after thinking a bit more; on the notion of swapping Commander's Sphere for Smothering Tithe - it is no secret I'm not a fan of Smothering Tithe, but with as little mana acceleration as your deck currently runs, I disagree with what the others have posted above. Not only are you getting rid of a mana source, but you are also getting rid of a source of card advantage.

On the topic of card advantage, I'll finally get to what I wanted to discuss earlier. Right now, you only run seven cards that let you draw a card on them. Below are the cards in question and my general opinion on them.

  • Kwain, Itinerant Meddler - I don't like this card simply because it gives your opponents card advantage. Okay if you're running a group hug deck, and you appear not to be. Replace with something like Brainstorm.
  • Rhystic Study - Excellent card. I advocated for this card in your last thread, and I'm glad to see you add it. The main problem with this card is it's up there on the "kill on sight" cards I spoke about in my first post. You can help protect it with cards like Heroic Intervention.
  • Cryptic Command - I am mid on this card. It was great in other formats, but I don't think it translates well to Commander. I'd also advocate for getting rid of it due to it's CMC; you're a three color deck and this has three blue pips. I.e; it's not that easy to cast. Replace it with something like Ponder.
  • Sphinx's Revelation - Again, I'm mid on this card. I don't like lifegain strategies in EDH for a myriad of reasons, but you need to pay at least four mana to draw one card. You could go for something like Harmonize, which is also four mana but lets you draw three cards instead.
  • Treva's Charm - You don't even really get card advantage from this card as you're essentially paying two cards to draw one card; a net loss of one. I would actually go with something like Eladamri's Call or Growth Spiral. Growth Spiral replaces itself by drawing you a card, while Eladamri's Call allows you to tutor for any creature in your deck, effectively replacing itself.
  • Commander's Sphere - I've heard a lot of people not like this card, but I have a soft spot for it. I like it because it can act as mana advantage in the earlier turns, and once you no longer need it you can use it to draw a card. Keep it.
  • The Immortal Sun - Six mana to draw a card every turn. Again, this is one of those "kill on sight" cards, and I especially don't like it because of it's CMC. It does do other things, such as acting as an anthem in regards to reducing your spell's CMC and giving your creatures +1/+1. It's alright. If you wanted to, you could go for something like Mind's Eye which does require more investment in the long run, but it can draw you at minimum three cards every turn cycle if you want to go that way. If not, just go for something like Sensei's Divining Top. It's one of the best artifacts ever printed.

Now that I've spoken about your current cards, I'd also try to include more tutors. These range from a wide variety, such as Enlightened Tutor, Worldly Tutor, Traverse the Ulvenwald, Mystical Tutor, Sterling Grove or even something like Land Tax. Any of these will help you speed up your game and lower your CMC. Also, while on the topic of Sterling Grove, I see you run Privileged Position. If you get both out together, no one can target any of your permanents.

Abaques on Council of 4 group hug

2 years ago

One of the people at my local gaming store has a Kwain, Itinerant Meddler deck where the win-con is mill. His deck is filled with Howling Mine type cards and wheels. He's also got a lot of control in it too.

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