Meren Deck Card Suggestions

Commander Deck Help forum

Posted on Feb. 27, 2017, 7:26 p.m. by Cmasa435

Hello everyone, another irritating request for experienced help here. Im currently working on putting together a list (not on tappedout yet, just in the planning stages right now) for Meren of Clan Nel Toth and I am looking for some card suggestions. Just to say off the bat, Im not looking to create a super Staxy version of Meren (though some stax would be fine), even though that looks awesome, I want to focus more on her pulling amazing stuff out of the grave, and also have a heavy emphasis on sacing stuff, both on my side and a forced one for the opponents. Going through other Meren lists, I see the basically obligatory stuff, i.e., Merciless Executioner, Fleshbag Marauder, Spore Frog, Shriekmaw, Caustic Caterpillar, Birthing Pod, Dictate of Erebos, all the good stuff. But Im wondering if there are any fringe cards that are just bonkers with her, or amazing things that I just stupidly missed. Also, please nothing crazy pricey, Im a poor poor college student so I cant really afford the awesome stuff. So while its not all that smart to put in a price limit, like $10 max for card price, unless its basically God Mode in a card, then screw price. Thanks in advance for any advice given, Meren looks absolutely amazing and I really want to make a deck that will do her justice without having to make me start turning tricks to pay for it.

Edit: Got a Decklist up and running, just a basic shell thus far so I'm probably missing a good amount of things and probably have some unneeded cards in it. Anywho, deck list is Meren's gonna Sac ya

Eiti3 says... #2

Can't go wrong with 1/1 Eldrazi Scions and 0/1 Eldrazi Spawns. They help for ramp, experience counters, and paying costs (Smokestack, Eldrazi Monument, etc).

February 27, 2017 8:49 p.m.

Cmasa435 says... #3

Eiti3, thanks for the suggestion. I was thinking of adding in From Beyond and Awakening Zone, and some others of their ilk. Any other suggestions you can thing of, please let me know.

February 27, 2017 11:40 p.m.

DVLuca says... #4

Evolutionary Leap can assure you a continuos creature drop and IF it encounter Phyrexian Reclamation the deck can do crazy staff

February 28, 2017 3:37 a.m.

Schuesseled says... #5

Greater Good expensive but hilarious.

February 28, 2017 7:02 a.m.

Atony1400 says... #6

Buried Alive Is a great way to get stuff in the grave.

February 28, 2017 7:22 a.m.

chaosumbreon87 says... #7

a few cards for your niche: STE (seriously its like the best meren enabler), fecundity, sadbot, persist creatures, and general reanimator cards/themes seem good

Note: nin deathmantle combos.... they seem really good.

February 28, 2017 11:01 a.m.

Cmasa435 says... #8

Thanks for all the suggestions thus far guys, its been very helpful.

DVLuca, Evolutionary leap looks bonkers, as for Phyrexian Reclamation i didnt even know that existed and it looks great as well

Schuesseled, Greater Good is absolutely fantastic, though the price tag is a bit off putting, its too good not to consider.

Atony1400, Buried alive is perfect, great way to stock up my grave with stuff I need.

chaosumbreon87, me taking a stab at the shortands for the names, STE being Sakura Tribe Elder, Sadbot being Solemn Simulacrum, Sakura is an insta include, and as for Solemn Simulacrum, i dont know why but im not feeling him in here. Fecundity looks great, didnt know that was a thing either. Persist stuff would work great, sadly i dont know too many, ill have to go digging. On a side note, I mocked up a decklist for Meren, Meren's gonna Sac ya, with that people should know more what im looking for and where i mess up with card additions. Thanks again everyone

February 28, 2017 12:37 p.m.

RedUndead40 says... #9

Avoid Fecundity- Meren's biggest strength is out-valuing your opponents and replacing all the creatures you make them sac is going to cause troubles. Something like Harvester of Souls is much better.

Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord is a great game ender. Its pricey but Lord of Extinction is my main wincon in my Meren deck paired with either Jarad or Pathbreaker Ibex.

February 28, 2017 12:47 p.m.

Cmasa435 says... #10

RedUndead40, I see your point about Fecundity, no sense give the opponents cards. and Harvester looks good, as does Jarad. Lord of Extinction is freaking amazing, but a tad out of my price range for the moment. Thanks for the suggestions, any more are greatly welcome either here or on the deck list I now have up.

February 28, 2017 2:49 p.m.

RedUndead40 says... #11

Here is my list if you want to browse it-

Meren West: Re-Animator!

February 28, 2017 3:12 p.m.

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