
Modern* RegisteredDecksOffender

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Guul Draz Assassin —May 22, 2015

Added in a single Guul Draaz Assassin to try it out. I felt as though 1-2 of these maximum would be as much as I could justify adding. Giving him a test thanks to kengiczar

BigFace says... #1

The title of this deck is uncalled for. You really got change it.

April 5, 2015 9:32 p.m.

I'm tired and didn't read the entire description or any of the comments, but how does the loss of life do to you? Bob, lacerator, thoughtseize, dismember, and the fetches/shocks seem like you take tons of damage from yourself, have you noticed that play testing? I don't see any way if gaining the life back either.

April 6, 2015 10:54 p.m.

@Felixlives: Thank you for covering basically what I would have said, lol. Very much appreciated friend!

@ryanjoha: That is something I have been worrying about as of late, and have been messing around with. This deck has a tendency of losing too much life too quickly with no real recovery. I have been considering dropping the number of things that cost me life over time, or putting in a few Vampire Nighthawk again to gain me some life back.. I will be messing around with the idea and the numbers on certain cards to help combat hurting myself too badly.

April 12, 2015 1:19 a.m.

bro can you not use rape in your deck name? Rape isn't funny. It isn't cool. It isn't edgy. It's horrific and very real.

April 12, 2015 12:55 p.m.

Felixlives says... #5

Freedom of speach dont censor the internet bro. There are litteral millions of worse things out there on the internet go out and ask everyone else to censor what they say. While your at it announce yourself supreme ruler ya communist dictator.

April 12, 2015 1:47 p.m.

BigFace says... #6

If you have freedom of speech then so do I. If you think of someone saying the title is uncalled for makes them a dictator then I could say the same of you for making that title.

And pointing out a shrewd title doesn't justify going to every other comment on the internet to do so. On a personal note I doubt this person's ever experienced rape around them with themselves, close people the them, or seen it second hand. They need to get out of themselves.

April 12, 2015 3:49 p.m.

Felixlives says... #7

Maybe they rape people all the time you dont know them ya know. Chill out is all im saying in my life i have people close to me who have been raped also i have a friend who was stabbed to death but im not writing to wizards telling them to change the name of Murderous Cut because it hurts my feelers. Ok now enough about all of this we are ruining a deck discussion thread with this nonsence. My apologies to TheBoraxKid for ruining your deck discussion. Love the deck

April 12, 2015 4:43 p.m.

cplvela0811 says... #8

Blood Seeker. Used an enchantment or as able for Feast of Blood. Side for Gate Keeper . I only suggest againt aggro or even better tokkens.

April 13, 2015 1:22 a.m.

arosen223 says... #9

I was reading through comments and you mentioned taking out Vampire Nighthawk for the captains, but I think that one of the most devastating combos in this deck is to have both on the field. You'd be making a flying/lifelink Glissa, the Traitor that would be at the magical 4 toughness to avoid bolts.

Also, I'm sure you've tried it but just wondering how you feel about Blade of the Bloodchief, I liked it a lot when I played standard vamps in Zendikar (also played standard vamps in M12)

Awesome deck tho, +1

April 20, 2015 10:03 p.m.

Enshi says... #10

How's Tragic Slip? I think it might be somewhat viable in place of dismember and murderous cut seeing as it can also deal with indestructible. I kind of feel like the morbid can be easily achieved with how the deck runs.

April 27, 2015 8:58 p.m.

@Felixlives: Thank you my friend for covering the gist of what I would have to say.. you're always appreciated. :)

@arosen223: You have a valid point.. I have had both in the deck at the same time long long ago, and I really loved the Deathtouch-First Strike interaction.. It was truly beautiful..My only though at this very moment is that my 3 CMC slot is already very filled and the average CMC is slowly rising as I put in cards.. what would you suggest I drop to squeeze in a few Nighthawks, or even a few more Captains?

Also, I used to run Blade of the Bloodchief, and it is a very fun card in casual games, especially tossed in with a few Markov Blademasters for fun and some big game chaos, but in this deck, the 1 drop, 1 equip is 2 mana if I want to equip it right away, then to gain it's full advantage, I would have to invest a minimum of one more mana for even the cheapest removal in the deck.. It just never wowed me and I always disliked seeing it in competitive settings.. Maybe I will mess around with a copy or two of the Blade again to see if it could make its way back into the deck.Thank you for your +1 and your comment by the way :)@Enshi:That is an interesting suggestion.. I played around with it for a bit, and it seemed okay.. Now that I have more control and things constantly dying though I can see it being more viable. I will give it a go in a copied deck!

April 30, 2015 8:25 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #12

May 2, 2015 1:07 p.m.

GeeksterPlays says... #13

Ever considered Graven Cairns in your mana base? I personally find it very useful in my Red-Black Vampire deck.

May 5, 2015 7:49 a.m.

TotalJank1337 says... #14

Love the deck

May 5, 2015 9:02 p.m.

JuicyPVP says... #15

Looks great. I love the interaction between Liliana of the Veil and Bloodghast

May 5, 2015 11:59 p.m.

kengiczar says... #16

I am a little surprised not to see any Kalastria Highborn or Guul Draz Assassin.

The assassin is particularly excellent when trying to get rid of your opponents Snapcaster Mage, Voice of Resurgence, Dark Confidant, Delver of Secrets  Flip, Leonin Arbiter, Young Pyromancer and a few other things.

May 8, 2015 2:59 a.m.

SorinsPride says... #17

Surgical Extraction would be a VERY nice side board card for you.

May 9, 2015 1:32 p.m.