Untapped Potential - Dragonlord Ojutai

Commander / EDH redace10


soulaha says... #1

If you want to reanimate your artifact maybe you could play Open the armory?

July 24, 2017 4:41 p.m.

soulaha says... #2

or recall also is a solid option too

July 24, 2017 4:42 p.m.

Temur_Frontier says... #3

Yep this is the way to build Dragonlord Ojutai: straight voltron with a dash of control. My first iterations of Dragonlord Ojutai were strong for my weak meta at the time. But the meta got much stronger and faster and my deck wasn't voltron enough and too focused on control; basically really clunky and slow with not enough finishing power. I'm not a fan of straight voltron and what I wanted was a spellslinger control deck, so I switched commanders and now run Taigam, Ojutai Master for the double use of instants and sorceries. Ojutai's Mystification is the name, if you're interested, though it's not finished. It's close just needs to cut several cards down to 100 and I'll be good. Anyways, Dragonlord Ojutai will always hold a good place in my heart because of his lore and the fact that he was my first real EDH deck, and the one I had the longest. Looks like a good deck, so +1 from me.

September 9, 2017 12:02 a.m.

USMCTempest says... #4

I'm not sure how creature heavy your meta is, but Fumigate might be better than Wrath of God a lot of the time. I play a UW Taigam control deck that has a low creature count, and I find myself taking a beating early game, I'd have to imagine a voltron deck such as yours with 14 creatures + commander probably would too.

October 10, 2017 7:24 p.m.

redace10 says... #5

You're right USMCTempest, I very much wanted to keep both Wrath of God and Fumigate, but the latter is a strict upgrade in almost all scenarios. Thanks for pointing that out.

I've also decided to swap in Monastery Mentor over Assault Suit to combat the problem of having a low creature count in a voltron deck. Taigam sure uses mentor a heck of a lot better, but he'll due for my deck as well. I like that he fits under Sun Titan too.

Appreciate the comment, thanks very much :)

October 10, 2017 9:54 p.m.

USMCTempest says... #6

No problem man, it's a cool deck

October 12, 2017 11:53 a.m.

Chiberia says... #7

Good deck, but there are some cards Im a bit questionable on.

I have been playing various control decks and voltron decks for a few years, and I have to say that:

  1. Eight-and-a-Half-Tails, this may just be me, but once he is out, I never end up using him. He just kind of sits there all game, if you find good use for him then hes good

  2. Archangel of Tithes, while very useful, her abilities just aren't good enough in commander (at least in my experience because most of my friends ramp a lot) and if she ends being an annoyance she gets killed fairly quickly

  3. Wasteland, why not Strip Mine? Its strictly better, and cheaper

Homeward Path, unless you know someone who runs a theft deck (like my Merieke deck which is on my page if you wanna take a look [I will shamelessly advertise till the day I die]) it will just sit there being useless most games

Now here are some cards you might consider putting in to make Ojutai even more lethal;)

  1. Grafted Exoskeleton do you like ending games in one turn? Because I like ending games in one turn

  2. Angelic Destiny, I know you said you do not run Auras, but Angelic Destiny is a BOMB in any game. If you can play it the turn after you get Ojutai out on the field, you can kill a player within one or two turns later!

  3. Mikokoro, Center of the Sea, a great backup land, requires no colored mana to use its ability and is great for late game card draw! (I wish I had one)

  4. Fabricate, simple and sweet!

  5. I do not know if you have a lot of friends that like to go wide with creatures (I do), so I always go for a Crawlspace!

  6. Azorius Signet Puts you a turn ahead on the mana game!

  7. Ponder, while you may not want Preordain or the other one drop card draw spells, Ponder is an auto include, it sets you up for your next three turns or allows you to shuffle your library to save you from a bad library top. Then you get to draw a card!

Note: My goal is to make a deck as brutal and efficient as possible (my friends run some pretty cutthroat decks), if you like the deck how it is or just like the cards in it then keep em:)! In my play environment you have to be competitive, in yours you may not, happy deck building!

February 13, 2018 6:47 p.m.

Chiberia says... #8

Oh and if you want a nice background for your deck go to my wall, a gift to the site known as Suns_Champion has provided how to get one:)

February 13, 2018 6:49 p.m.

redace10 says... #9


Let's get the simple ones out of the way.

Grafted Exoskeleton. That's a good card, I like it. I will ponder what it could slot it in over. Still takes two hits to kill, not one. Regardless, looks quite potent.

Angelic Destiny. I'm gonna level, I think that card is terrible. Ojutai will never die, going to the command zone is a replacement effect of dying(this is why I run Avarice Amulet). So no returning to hand if its on Ojutai when he goes to the zone. Ouch. Also Ojutai already has flying. Not a great card, at least in this deck.

I run Chromatic Lantern over Azorius Signet. Best mana fixing artifact in magic, and still speeds up an Ojutai cast by a turn. I want to run both, but what do I cut? I'm all ears, I have tried to find room before.

Fabricate was dropped in favor of Whir of Invention. I go over that card in my description. Improvise is a cool mechanic for an equipment deck.

Homeward path is mostly a meta card. If your meta doesn't take anything from you, count yourself lucky and don't run it. Some groups run arcane lighthouse because greaves and swiftfoot boots are everywhere. Is what it is.

I just don't have a strip mine haha :)

Now. Eight Tails. He is useful in pulling double duty in this deck. 1- he protects my equipment. Just by keeping 3 mana untapped, that is a lot of the time enough to stop a removal spell from even being attempted. 2- he helps Ojutai become unblockable by turning my opponent's creatures white, then giving Ojutai pro-white. That's a lot of good work for a 2 drop.

I'm not sure I get the reasoning behind not liking Tithes. It doesn't do good work until it does, but it'll be removed anyway. By that logic most EDH decks should be sparsely populated with creatures. Grand Arbiter is a lightening rod for removal, so why run it? Because its good. You run good cards. I'm not saying Tithes is on par with GA4. I'm saying run cards based on the value the card gives, not strictly on how hard it is to get rid of.

Sensei's Top is basically the can trip for me, I am not a fan of the other cantrips in this format. Searching is far more valuable, by a wide margin.

Hear me out. A can trip like Preordain is in essence a deck slot for a card that digs for another deck slot. Not searches, but digs. Wouldn't you rather play a card worth digging into, rather than a card that just digs? Sensei's Top is different and can leverage that cantrip over multiple turns, or an entire game. Just digging once? Pass.

I'll take a close look at your deck tomorrow.

February 13, 2018 10:55 p.m.

Chiberia says... #10

If you have more than one equipment attached to Ojutai with Grafted Exoskeleton it could be a one turn kill (usually is in my experience)

Angelic Destiny is farm from terrible, for four mana +4/+4 and first strike is a rare value, it is an aggressive card but its fine if you don't like it. Every game I pull Angelic Destiny is a game I win

Archangel of Tithes sorry if I didn't explain well, in my experience that one mana tax is not enough to do anything meaningful, Its up to you if you think it does or not just my personal preference

And I myself have been thinking of taking out Preordain, its good but I want more counterspells

February 14, 2018 11:22 a.m.

Chiberia says... #11

Forgot to upvote!

February 19, 2018 7:51 p.m.

redace10 says... #12

Thanks Chiberia, I never ask for them anyway, no biggey :).

I just expounded on my deck description quite a bit, and will properly give an update in the coming days. I'm definitely giving you a shot out in it, your deck inspired me to make changes. And if recent playtests are any indication, it improved the deck quite a bit. Much love my friend.

I'm still totally unsure what to slot Grafted Exoskeleton in over haha :)

Also I will cycle comments soon.

February 19, 2018 8:14 p.m.

Chiberia says... #13


Always happy to help! I will review it when I get the chance (sleep has evaded me for two days)!

February 19, 2018 9:24 p.m.

redace10 says... #14

----Comments Cycled----

February 21, 2018 4:28 p.m.

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