
Instant (6)

Enchantment (4)

Artifact (4)

Creature (1)

Deals 1 damage to target creature or player with deathtouch. Meant for creature control/dealing damage to players in one damage pings. Side board is meant to deal with any types of decks that stand a chance of winning. For mill you take out Gorgon's heads get switched out for Psychic Spiral and Ulamog. In case of player hexproof, Cinder Pyromancer gets switched out for the Curse. In case of a chance creatures that cannot be targeted and cannot be countered, the Gorgon Heads are switched out for Gorgon Flails for a way to still deathtouch them. The Boomorangs are a way to take care of enchantments/artifacts and for any other pesky permanents. The BIGGEST thing to keep track of is how the deck plays off of itself. Play an instant untap all Gelectrodes, play a red spell untap all Cinder Pyromancers, and dont forget about Keranos' ability!!!!!


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 1 Mythic Rares

15 - 0 Rares

11 - 7 Uncommons

18 - 7 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.23
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