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The Zombie's Secret! ~ [Advice Needed]

Modern Aggro Zombie



Hi Everyone,

I'm a returning player, I been out of the loop for a very long time. Recently a friend of mine started playing, so I looked into my closet and pulled my old cards out.

I do want to build a modern zombie deck to take to my LGS for FNM.

There are many new cards and new mechanics, that i'm still trying to understand and familiarize myself with.

I want to utilize Grave Pact + Nantuko Husk to sac my zombies get rid of my opponent's creatures.


Gravecrawler I can always sac him, and summon him back before my attack phase.

Geralf's Messenger sac him and comes back with +1/+1 counter.

Diregraf Captain is on the field, my opponent looses 1 life each zombie that I sac.

Death Baron will pump up my zombies with +1/+1 and deathtouch.

Lord of the Undead will pump my zombies with +1/+1 and have the ability to return them back to my hand.

Lich Lord of Unx will try to generate as many zombies as i can.

Vengeful Pharaoh will try to discard using Necromancer's Stockpile to generate more zombie tokens.


Grave Pact will force my opponent sac his own creatures if anything happens to my zombies.

Endless Ranks of the Dead will generate as many zombies as possible.

Necromancer's Stockpile will help me generate more zombies and draw a card.

Rooftop Storm helps me cast zombies for free late in the game.


Army of the Damned if I'm in need of zombies, i can generate 13 zombies token.

Zombie Apocalypse will bring back all of my zombies from the graveyard.


Obelisk of Urd just in case i need more help pumping up my zombies.


Liliana Vess why not.

I would really appreciate any advice to improve this deck and the sideboard.



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Date added 9 years
Last updated 6 years
Key combos

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

41 - 6 Rares

4 - 3 Uncommons

4 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.45
Tokens Zombie 2/2 B, Zombie Wizard 1/1 UB
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