The Safari Zone

Commander / EDH Free_Iona


Cool deck, dude. But where's my Kangaskhan?!

December 16, 2016 2:05 a.m.

Free_Iona says... #16

hah I was always more of a Scyther guy

December 17, 2016 5:03 a.m.

Me too! But I had blue version! So no scythet for me... notuntil silver, atleast....

December 17, 2016 8:12 a.m.

carpecanum says... #18

Enlightened Tutor would let you put any of your enchantment/gods on top of your library, or a Platinum Emperion, Blightsteel Colossus, or any other huge artifact creature (i know those are pretty expensive, but they came to mind first).

If your huge creatures are getting chump blocked Elemental Mastery allows you to swarm opponents.

December 22, 2016 3:17 a.m.

Free_Iona says... #19

I LOVE Elemental Mastery thank you for suggesting it! I'm going to find some space for it for sure, I love that it can provide a surprise swarm win out of nowhere! I didn't even know this card existed. Pair it with Craterhoof Behemoth or Decimator of the Provinces for instal-win goodness. Great Suggestion!

December 24, 2016 2:34 a.m.

Megalomania says... #20

Have you considered using Eladamri's Call and Worldly Tutor? A friend of mine usea it in her Mayael deck and they have been quite effective.

Also, Hellkite Charger is a creature that becomes scary strong late in the game. Add in some cards like Xenagos, God of Revels, Bear Umbra or Sword of Feast and Famine and you'll find yourself in a position to really break face.

February 3, 2017 2:02 a.m.

Free_Iona says... #21

Hey, Megalomania, thanks for the feedback!

I love Worldly Tutor and Eladamri's Call - they are really fantastic cards, and I'm glad they work for your friend. I find cards like that somewhat redundant in this build since they're likely to end up at the bottom of the library, as this deck goes big to get Mayael online and activates her asap. They would be great for an opening hand, but difficult to justify a spot if they continually find their way to bottom of the deck. Same goes for Bear Umbra despite the greatness of these cards.

As for Hellkite Charger, that's a really good win-con, and the synergy with Xenagos, God of Revels is uber dope. I have a Xenagod deck, but for some stupid reason haven't picked up another yet. I should do that.


February 6, 2017 1:07 a.m.

Megalomania says... #22

I took a second look at the said friend's Mayael deck and realized he had less fatties and more ramp/dorks and relied more on the tutors to get the exact creatures he wanted to play via Mayael. He even uses Enlightened Tutor in order to fetch creatures like Xenagos, God of Revels, Steel Hellkite and Blightsteel Colossus then activate Mayael to cheat them into play.

Aside from providing ramp, the added dorks also allow him to use Survival of the Fittest which becomes especially useful mid-game when he has enough mana to hardcast creatures.

I know his deck's gameplay is a lot different from yours but I just thought it would be fun to throw some ideas out.

Oh, and lastly, Lotus Cobra and Bloom Tender.

February 6, 2017 4:11 a.m.

Retsok909 says... #23

What do you think of Wilderness Reclamation ? Lets you untap end of your turn giving you mana for Mayael's ability. Also if you like that there's Seedborn Muse and you can do it every turn? Gross!

Does your deck need card draw? Does your hand get empty often? Benefactor's Draught seems conditional would you be better with a card like Guardian Project ? Have you thought about playing Combustible Gearhulk ? With 31 cards with a mana cost above six you ether draw three cards or deal a healthy amount of damage.

What are your feelings on Greenwarden of Murasa vs Seeds of Renewal ? Greenwardens cheaper and can be hit by Mayael.

March 13, 2019 12:34 a.m.

Free_Iona says... #24

Hey! Retsok909 - totally love Wilderness Reclamation , saw it the other day and need to grab one. Hopefully i can pull one from a pack. Guardian Project is definitely good. I was thinking of adding in Ulvenwald Observer since it can trigger card draw as well as enter in through Mayael.

I prefer Greenwarden of Murasa . Was playing it my other deck, but might make a clean switch.

March 13, 2019 1:05 a.m.

Retsok909 says... #25

It would be interesting to see how many cards you'd draw off of Ulvenwald Observer before it dies. How do your creatures usually die board wipes, kill spells or combat? Do you think he'll stick around to draw you more than three cards? If not Combustible Gearhulk might be the worth a trial. I'd love to know how many people would give you the cards and how much damage you'd give to the people who don't.

Guardian Project is probably the better choice because its harder to get rid of enchantments, you can play it in the early game and you draw a card every time you play a creature (which is alot).

March 13, 2019 2:36 a.m.

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