Mayael, the Master of Monsters



Working on being Fun and COMPETITIVE —Feb. 28, 2016

So, finally got some cash to get some much needed upgrades.

Also, my playgroup has also changed with the times. It has moved away from Mill and general cheesecakiness to more competitive and Aggro and Boardwipey. And so, the following changes have been made:

Into the Wilds , Nissa's Expedition ----> Cultivate , Kodama's Reach :

needed much faster ramp then before, seeing as my group has more ramp/Card Advantage now. Yes, its funny cause I switched these cards out before. Hardy Har Har. Lesson Learned.

Avenger of Zendikar ----> Soul of the Harvest :

Needed card draw, desperately. For now, this will begin to help. Not sure if its gonna do the trick, but itll help. Plus, with more boardwipes, means those plants arent around long at all af.

Craterhoof Behemoth -----> Steel Hellkite :

So.. I doubt Craterhoof will be gone for long, but right now I do not pull the creatures needed to make Craterhoof especially amazing or incredible. Especially not pulling a game win with Hoof.. but I am sure he will return. I am sure of it.

Elixir of Immortality ----> Scroll Rack :

As we've moved away from mill and such, Elixir has been less and less useful. While Scroll Rack has always been expensive, I finally splurged and got it. It'll let me organize my hand way better and get my heavy shit out faster.

Siege Dragon ----> Balefire Dragon:

So.. the Siege was never relevant. There are few walls ever, and my friend who usually plays pillowfort has since decideded to no longer play Pillowfort. Its sad... but the better dragon saves the day.

Paleoloth ----> Greenwarden of Murasa :

this switch is more interchangeable. I'd run either or. I think Greenwarden is more naturally efficent, since I can get more card types, and am guaranteed to do so twice, vs Paleoloth, which I have seen die before its effect can even go off once, or be useless because there is no targets in my graveyard. Hopefully, the switch will just be better.

Rith's Grove ---> Blighted Woodlands :

More ramp, sadly. plus, Rith's Grove has interacted weirdly in my deck and with my plays. It leads to Hand Size issues too when not played properly, so now I have more ramp.

Gruul Ragebeast ----> Tooth and Nail:

The premiere Tutor cheat. Finally adding this to the deck. Really splurged for this. And Ragebeast has not helped much in its intended purpose. Truly, and surprisingly, lackluster. I thought that this creature would help.. but it didn't. Very shocking. but Tooth and Nail is gonna help for sure.

Elderscale Wurm -------> Wild Pair :

I wanted to have more ways to cheat out creatures and not rely so heavily on my commander all the time. Elderscale Wurm is great, and provides a safety net.. but I am trying to have another way to cheat out creatures, and I have been forced to rely on casting creatures more often. This will hopefully even the odds.

Meglonoth ---------> Atarka, World Render :

So, this change is not permanent. I fully intend to change Atarka out, BUT, the double strike has been surprisingly relevant. Truly and by and by, that double strike has been REALLY relevant. I think I have JUST enough dragons to fringe make it work, but I really don't know. This is temporary right now, I guess.

Opal Palace -------------> Haven of the Spirit Dragon :

I made this switch a while ago. Opal palace wasn't all that useful anyway, and with Haven, I can bring back any dragons that fall in combat.

jcp1195 says... #1

July 10, 2015 5:13 p.m.


Thank you for the Suggestion! I had played around with Mayael's Aria when this was a Marath deck, but I found it was too slow. I shall try playtesting it with this deck though.

July 16, 2015 1:07 p.m.