Grix & Stones, Draw Cards, Break Bones!

Commander / EDH* TurtleZoom


It's a Makeover —May 28, 2018

Welcome back fellow Grixis friends. Grix and Stones here needed a bit of a makeover.

I encountered a problem recently where this deck was able to chunk down my entire enemy pool, but it wasn't fast enough. For instance, I had a Price of Knowledge out on my battlefield, which was doing work, but created an unexpected problem: I had become enemy number one to the entire table. Late game value needs to be much faster and less aggro drawing. Over all these years of playing magic I have learned that it's a game of psychology as much as cards.

So Price of Knowledge is gone and I have decided to try something a little new. In the last update we put in cost reducing effects for my instant and sorcery wheel spells (ie: Goblin Electromancer, Baral, Chief of Compliance, and Arcane Melee). Well the latter of those examples is gone now because I was kind of a dumb when I realized it reduced the cost for everyone not just me. Whoops. I have replaced it with Primal Amulet  Flip, which got me thinking about copy abilities.

Copying my wheels spells creates a much faster and much more damaging event for my opponents. The idea here is to be as quick as possible with damage so as to give your opponents as little time to react as possible. So now this deck includes:

Insidious Will, Sigil Tracer, Melek, Izzet Paragon, Primal Amulet  Flip, Swarm Intelligence, and Hive Mind

That last one in particular is especially deadly, because three opponents, makes three copies of Wheel of Fortune, Discard 4 hands, and draw three.

The doublers will ensure a swift double wheel, and a swift victory. However, I have also thought about doubling damage done by card draws with a Dictate of the Twin Gods sort of thing, but to be honest, I am running out of room in the deck for such enchantments. So I decided to include only one such card: Insult / Injury. The reason I chose this was because it is an instant that can benefit off of my cost reduction effects. As well as preventing the aforementioned problem of becoming enemy number one by having such an enchantment out. Death needs to be swift, so spending FIVE mana on a Dictate of the Twin Gods then trying to copy and wheel, will only be possible quite late in the game.

The last thing to talk about here is some expertise. Baral's Expertise was recomended to my by a friend when he saw my choice to include bounce effects as removal when combined with the discard effects of wheels, so it was an instant pick. Most of the wheel spells in the deck are 4 or less mana, so the second ability of the spell makes for some great synergy. Yahenni's Expertise is also in the deck to help remove and wheel as well, but it won't kill off Nekusar, or The Locust God, leaving them alive for the subsequent free wheel.

That about wraps things up. Hope you guys enjoy the update. Before I make a new deck I will be revisiting all my current decks and updating them. Next on the update list is my Gitrog Monster deck, link is down below. Cheers everyone!

Evil Frogger

Commander / EDH TurtleZoom


5c0r910n says... #1

may i suggest early/cheap board wipes like Damnation or Blasphemous Act. Also pillow fort effects such as Propaganda, Fog Bank, stuff like that. I built my own nekusar deck(Nekusar, Exam Simulator if you wanna look so some more ideas, but yours looks kinda sweet

May 25, 2018 3:24 a.m.