First round I played against america control. Game 1 he played a ral-zarek turn 4 and bolted my creature which I responded to by playing a wolfir avenger at the end of his turn. he used a lot of burn spells and wipes to take out my creatures but I had an ajani out and managed to ultimate it for the win. The second game he got stuck on four lands and still put up a good fight, but I ended up getting it 2-0
second round I played an interesting mono black deck He seemed pretty mana flooded game 1, all I saw was 3 geralf's messengers and a mutilate the entire game. I kept thinking he had some removal for my sublime archangel or other creature swinging in so I mostly didn't go for the exalted triggers, but it turned out all he had was land and messengers. Game 2 I got rid of my mopey angels and brought in faith's shield and voices which got me there 2-0
third round i played against mono red. I won the die roll and looked at my first hand which was ajani caller of pride, two Advent of the Wurm and four lands.(I should have mulled this hand...) He plays t1reckelss waif, t2Ash Zealot, t3Vexing Devil turn 4 he swings in and I play a wurm to eat the waif. he get's me down to 5 and finishes off my wurm. Then i pass turn back to him and play down another wurm to eat his zealot I don't remember the details but I ended up winning the game when he could have just burned me out instead of killing my 5/5 Game 2 i landed an Unflinching Courage
on a Loxodon Smiter and he swung in with Boros Reckoner Ash Zealot and the 1/1 that pairs to give firebreathing. The correct block would have been on Ash Zealot but instead I blocked the 1/1. He blood rushed his reckoner and speared me in the face for a total of 11 damage and I was at 11. Had he given his reckoner first strike i would have been toast, but he neglected to notice this.
fourth round I played against bant auras. I played my second land and sat on the Selesnya Charm ready to play the knight when he puts out a fencing ace on turn 2. I'm thinking to myself this selesnya charm looks a lot better in my hand now so I hold it .I don't draw the land and pass He spectral flighted his ace and got me for 6. Then i made the big play mistake when i did get the third land a shock land I put it into play tapped instead of shocking myself, rancoring his ace and selesnya charm exiling it. Instead I think he will enchant it further and i can save myself the shock and get more cards out of his hand.So like an idiot i sit there and basically give the game away.. Except through a miracle I survive because on turn 5 I get my fourth land and play an Advent of the Wurm to trade off with his ace. then on turn 6 i get a fifth land and at 5 life i pass turn to him. He has invisible stalker and geist of saint traft he enchants the stalker with Unflinching Courage
and swings in with both. I play Faith's Shield on my plains naming blue and play an Advent of the Wurm blocking his geist of saint traft going down to 1 from the angel. He's at 18 i play my 6th land and drop down Ajani, Caller of the Pride, Rancor, and Selesnya Charm for a total of 18 damage which was his life total thanks to a shock land. Game 2 he had a fairly slow start in comparison to my t1 elf, t2 avenger, t3 paladin+rancor come over for 10 backed up by two selesnya charms the next turn for a total of 22 more trample damage.