Pollywog Symbiote

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Pollywog Symbiote

Creature — Frog

Each creature spell you cast costs less to cast if it has mutate.

Whenever you cast a creature spell, if it has mutate, draw a card, then discard a card.

Gidgetimer on Mutate, Mutate, Mutate, Mutate

1 year ago

When you loop Vadrok, Apex of Thunder via Double Major you only cast a creature with mutate once. The copies made with Double Major are created on the stack and are not cast. Having Pollywog Symbiote on the battlefield allows you to have the non-creature spell card in your hand or on top of your library in addition to already being in the graveyard. However; it does not allow you to loot through your deck.

G1ngr on Mutate, Mutate, Mutate, Mutate

1 year ago

Ooooohhhh also, thank you for explaining the mechanism of the Vadrok, Apex of Thunder Double Major interaction. I was completely lost on the order of operations in it! I do think my selections of instants are slightly silly given the mechanism involved in the combo, also wouldn't Pollywog Symbiote let you do this combo without needing to have played any instants earlier? If it's on the board while this combo happens it makes you draw + discard infinite cards?

G1ngr on Mutate, Mutate, Mutate, Mutate

1 year ago

Thank you guys for the suggestions! One note on the Migratory Greathorn combo, I was being a lil silly, and said that Double Major was important to it. It's not. You just need to play a Pollywog Symbiote turn 2 or three and have either a Migratory Greathorn and Double Major in hand, or just 2 Migratory Greathorn in hand. Obviously turn 3/4 isn't the fastest ramp ever, but in total it is 3 mutate triggers and any new mutate will add 2 more triggers on top of that, letting you functionally play 3 lands every turn. However this is a terrible combo with the way the deck is built right now. I will edit the quantity of basic lands and Migratory Greathorn in a lil while. I gotta go to school rn tho.

G1ngr on Mutate, Mutate, Mutate, Mutate

1 year ago

Some minor counter-notes. Paradise Druid (less so than polly( and Pollywog Symbiote can easily combo with Migratory Greathorn and double major for fast(ish), 8 mana(over first 3/4 turns) for 6 or so lands, so you'd be up ~4 lands in most context. If I were to refine this deck I'd probably focus on that aspect, since this ideally would be a hard ramp deck into auspicious starixx and high cost other cards and ramp cards.

Auspicious starixx with double major is worth playing (play ur whole deck!)

also, while pretty complicated and kind of non-functional, Double Major with Vadrok, Apex of Thunder and a damaging spell, possibly Lightning Bolt or Lava Spike (probably lightning bold cuz cheap removal) can easily finish games or one shot depending on circumstance. The interaction here with the stack is pretty archaic, and the sources I drew from when building this were to say the least, unreliable (I was told you could infinite with Vadrok + Double major)

I do agree on moving focus away from my ramp sorc. tap lands, and tutors, since this deck could play early really well with some 1 cost instants and creatures. Also, draw is a problem for this deck as it is. If you don't pull a ramp combo or winning combo you basically just lose. I struggle to figure out how the heck draw and card management spells work, just as a being, so if you want to help more thank you.

wallisface on Mutate, Mutate, Mutate, Mutate

1 year ago

Some thoughts:

  • Your mana curve is waaay too high. Typically Modern decks can't justify running more than 4 cards costing 4-or-more mana - you've got a whopping 12 (or 10 accounting for mutate costs). Yes you have some limited ramp and cost reductions, but not nearly enough to justify this very steep curve. Generally speaking, you want the Average CMC of a deck to be at-or-below 2.3ish... at the moment you're sitting at 3.3.

  • The above problem is made worse by having nothing to do on turn 1 - meaning you're always starting a full turn behind your opponent, which is a really dangerous place to be. In particular, you should be at least aiming to replace your ramp cards (Paradise Druid Pollywog Symbiote, Field Trip) with 1-mana options, so that you can get to larger amounts of mana quickly.

  • 21 lands is too low. For comparison, Burn decks run 20, and only play spells costing 1-2 mana (and are happy being stuck on 1 land for a lot of the early game). Imo you want to go up at least to 23-24, possibly more depending what your end mana-curve looks like.

  • A lot of your noncreature spells just don't do anything. Solve the Equation is a lot of mana when it's not really getting you anything specifically useful/game-breaking. Field Trip is too much mana for a ramp card when Rampant Growth and Utopia Sprawl exist. Igneous Inspiration should be Lightning Bolt (importantly the learn mechanic is pretty bad because all the Lesson cards are terrible - so don't play those Learn cards for that reason). Double Major is cute but you have nothing worth copying, and to cast it and a spell requires too much mana.

  • You need a lot more interaction - at the moment your opponent is going to mostly be able to do what they want, which means you're losing every game where the opponent is faster than you - and you'll have to way to catch up if you ever fall behind. As mentioned before, Lightning Bolt would be useful here, but in general you just want more ways to mess with what the opponent is doing. Mutate in particular is very slow, so you need to waste a LOT of the opponents time to get it operational.

  • Your creatures currently look very vulnerable to the opponents killspells - in particular when you mutate a few cards on-top of one-another, the opponent is costing you multiple cards for their one killspell, which will in a lot of cases just lose you the game. You need ways to ensure your creatures stay safe from interaction - my first thoughts would be running creatures like Gladecover Scout and Slippery Bogle to make your creatures almost-entirely immune to enemy interaction.

Minousmancer on

3 years ago

Glowstone Recluse + Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider = is insane.

Maybe replace Mysterious Egg With Pollywog Symbiote .

Maybe add a Hall of Oracles or two to help with protection from Heartless Act .

Maybe a couple Parcelbeast to help speed up your deck. Trade out 2x Gemrazer .

Good luck with whatever you decide to play with, and those were just my first thoughts looking at the deck. I love Auspicious Starrix !!! So powerful and so reasonable to cast.

Sorin_Markov_1947 on TOO MANY TOKENS [Fun Standard Synergy]

3 years ago

Why Witching Well and Light of Hope ? Both seem underpowered to me.

Vulpikeet can easily be replaced by Essence Symbiote or Mysterious Egg . They're cheaper, at a small downside of not being able to go on an existing stack. Pollywog Symbiote is also work considering instead of some lands, as it'll help filter and make it easier to go off. 27 lands seems like too many, but Pollywog will help make up for those missing lands anyway.

ImaginitiveRascal on Jegantha, 5C Mutate

3 years ago

Why are Essence Symbiote and Pollywog Symbiote not here? They are basically staples of a mutate deck. I would also add Invisible Stalker, Glowstone Recluse, and Snapdax, Apex of the Hunt.

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