Nothing is Inevitable

Modern* Frostmane360


Don't Keep Bad Hands —Oct. 4, 2013

Aether Vial is good, but if all you've got in hand is a single Ghost Quarter it's not worth the risk. This update is mostly to remind myself not to be a terrible magic player.

Frostmane360 says... #1

Would Archangel of Thune be a good 1 of? It's pretty up there on the curve and the deck doesn't really want to go long, so maybe not? A couple of Restoration Angel to replace a Flickerwisp and maybe a Thalia, Guardian of Thraben ?

August 29, 2013 11:02 a.m.

senken12 says... #2

@Frostmane360 - Most Modern decks run Tectonic Edge . Being able to cast everything (Under 4 mana) has a lot more value than Archangel of Thune or Restoration Angel will grant.

August 29, 2013 12:05 p.m.

Tangytofu says... #3

The Mirran Crusader is kind of weak in modern on main board it get's tops by almost every red removal spell and is quite awkward in the mirror. I would definitely move it to side to make room to spread around your threats or play some Aven Mindcensor s. Additionally, the above suggestion was for Restoration Angel in conjunction with your Flickerwisp you can have some morph cards on side or main for some real pressure - ie. Akroma, Angel of Wrath or Akroma, Angel of Fury to blink in and out. +1 for doing death and taxes in modern though :)

August 29, 2013 3:51 p.m.

Tangytofu says... #4

August 29, 2013 3:53 p.m.

Altus22000 says... #5

That is a lot of land destruction.

August 29, 2013 4:29 p.m.

Frostmane360 says... #6

The Akroma, Angel of Fury trick is cute, but without a Flickerwisp it's just a dead card. I guess adding in Restoration Angel could help mitigate that, but it would probably have to replace the Blade Splicer which is again cute but can trick you into such blowouts that I'm wary.

I already have the full stack of Leonin Arbiter and Aven Mindcensor . Mirran Crusader carries a sword well and I'd consider replacing the Light and Shadow for a Fire and Ice at some point. The trick is sticking anything for long enough to equip the sword, but AEther Vial at least frees up your mana to do so. A sworded up Serra Avenger attacking on turn 4 is a pretty ridiculous blowout (since both swords I have right now avoid Path to Exile ).

I think Restoration Angel probably trumps Blade Splicer , and the ability to flicker a Flickerwisp and then flicker an opposing land seems really mean with all the land destruction, namely flickering a Shock land that they need during their upkeep to deny the mana for a whole round unless they shock themselves. The whole point of the deck is to punish greedy mana bases to get cheap beaters to the red zone, and the Angel does this a little better than the Splicer.

August 29, 2013 8:23 p.m.

Frostmane360 says... #7

I guess the other comment I can make is that having 8 lands you plan to sac doesn't really want to play anything at 4 CMC. 2 Restoration Angel is as far as I'd be willing to push it.

August 29, 2013 8:25 p.m.

Frostmane360 says... #8

Saw an interesting conjecture: Paladin en-Vec for Mirran Crusader . I'm going to try a 2-1 split for now to see how it works. You lose double strike but built in pro red is huge because they only die to Path to Exile for the most part.

August 29, 2013 8:46 p.m.

yuval says... #9

Why did you pick the two Swords you picked over Sword of Fire and Ice ? Just curious.

Also, have you thought about maybe adding any more 1-drops to help the deck play consistently faster? For example Steppe Lynx , Student of Warfare , or even Savannah Lions

August 30, 2013 7:39 p.m.

Frostmane360 says... #10

If I was going to use 1 drops it would most likely be Student of Warfare or Dryad Militant , but the deck is closer to a midrange deck than a true aggro deck so speed isn't really the most important thing.

As for Swords I'm looking for the protection as much as for the ability in most cases, though part of it is I have a Sword of Light and Shadow and Sword of War and Peace is cheaper. It can down to wanting to dodge the most potent removal: Bolt, Helix (both flavours), Dismember and Path to Exile. LaS avoids Path and Dismember and WaP avoids red removal and Path. SoFI could also definitely come in but it would replace LaS.

August 30, 2013 9:59 p.m.

Frostmane360 says... #11

Also RE: Swords - War and Peace does a lot of damage which is nice. Light and Shadow has the relevant ability to recur creatures, and since the CMC is so low for everything it basically comes right back into play.

Still, Sword of Fire and Ice will probably come in for the Light and Shadow when I manage to trade for one.

August 31, 2013 12:06 a.m.