This deck serves as an alternative control deck for those on a budget that is also very fun to pilot. I created this deck originally built around satyr firedancer with heavy burn, but after extensive playtesting I found the card underwhelming, instead swapping to guttersnipe. It is worth noting that this deck isn't tier 1 so you should buy into this deck with a certain mindset, every match is an uphill battle but soooooo satisfying.
Playing on your opponents turn 75% of the time is fun, and its relative rarity in the meta can work to your advantage as people walk right into your counter spells or just have no idea what your line of play is. Unfamiliarity is a key asset in this deck and if you enjoy blowing people out with a well timed turn and burn or izzet charm then this deck is for you!
This deck has 3 win conditions but can be trimmed to 1 or 2 if it's your preference, but with no answer all card like supreme verdict we do need to commit creatures to the board so be wary of cutting creatures.
It is by no means conclusive but after a months playtesting I feel our strongest matchup is versus other control players and our weakest is versus aggro decks. R/G midrange often depends on digging for your turn/burns but if you can stabilize you can usually grind them down with value.
Our 3 win cons are:- Sticking an Aetherling - remember to only play with 1 mana open, 2 if it's against black with a full grip of cards and mana untapped when you play- Very fat Chimeras - you can cut the number of chimeras and substitute mizzium skin but I feel redundancy is more important than protection. Izzet charm and Steam Augury is a risky combat trick if you want to trade up or attempt to go for the kill early.- Guttersnipe - this inclusion is a lot better in control matchups, but sticking on early lets us keep the field clear and still wear down our opponent.
You should almost never be tapping out on your turn, only situation I would do so is if necessary to take out an unprotected threat or if you've just played aetherling. Most of your deck can be done in their turn, don't forget this!
Very often you'll find yourself considering magma jet vs young pyromancer on turn 2. Your choice should depend on the matchup, but unless you suspect your opponent has no kill spells you should save a pyro for when you can play an additional spell on the same turn (or your opponents turn).
Our sideboard is a toolbox and largely depends on the matchup, but worth a few notes:
- If we side in anger of the gods, take out young pyromancer (maybe guttersnipe too) and only commit a Chimera when we don't expect we'll need anger in the near future.
- Fated Conflagration isn't just for stormbreath and polukranos, it answers every relevant planeswalker in standard on the turn it comes down, abuse this!
- Searing blood is a high risk/high reward card, its blanked in several matchups but it can blow out mutavaults and aggro.
Feedback is welcome! I'm looking to bring in a Chandra when I can find one and with JiN the scrylands gives this deck a much desired boost!