
Play your creatures efficiently and on-curve. Then surprise your opponent with powerful combat tricks to finish them off.

Sideboarding Overview:

As a general rule, the creature-spell ratio remains the same. This means Collector Ouphe and Strangleroot Geist come in for two-drops, Endurance comes in for Steel Leaf Champion and the rest replace Aspect of Hydra, Vines of Vastwood, or Rancor. If you're opponent has little interaction (e.g. Storm), Vines of Vastwood is the obvious choice. If your opponent has few creatures, Rancor becomes less important. Aspect of Hydra is the most explosive and probably the best, but in can come out if the other two seem important (or against decks with excessive amounts of targeted removal). It's also not horrendous to side out a creature or two for a spell if you're facing board wipes.

Artifact hate: Unravel the Aether usually comes in, and provides a way to deal with specific artifact threats (e.g. Wurmcoil Engine). Collector Ouphe comes in if the deck relies on activations (e.g. Tron).

Graveyard hate: Endurance comes in against any graveyard-based deck.

Control hate: Strangleroot Geist is a resilient threat against boardwipes. Veil of Summer can protect your creatures from blue or black removal and can also counter Gifts Ungiven.

Creature hate (aka removal): Gut Shot comes in against 1-toughness creatures (e.g. Humans, Infect). Dismember comes in against any kind of midrange.

Damage hate: Feed the Clan comes in against Burn almost exclusively.


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 3 Mythic Rares

22 - 1 Rares

14 - 9 Uncommons

7 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.44
Folders Modern, Modern Reference, Decks
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