But seriously, I thought it would be fun to make a deck that revolved around tapping control, along with having fun flying over opponents and making them annoyed :3
Niblis of the Breath / Niblis of the Urn - The staples of the deck. They just stop anything from doing anything.
Drogskol Captain - Used for buffing everything possible.
Dungeon Geists - Hahaha more tapping.
Battleground Geist - More buffs yay.
Angel of Flight Alabaster - With this, you can just swarm the opponent with your spirits
Geist of Saint Traft - Ahh the old staple. Laugh at your opponents whilst smashing their faces into the floor.
Blind Obedience - This stops haste creatures in their tracks, as well as giving you the opportunity to gain a little life back.
Martial Law - This gives you even more control over your opponents. Good ol' Azorius eh?
Burden of Guilt - Ok, now I'm starting to feel a little bad. Oh who am I kidding? I love it!
Midnight Haunting / Beckon Apparition - Yay tokens!
Cancel / Render Silent - NO SPELLS FOR YOU!
Unsummon - Saves your skin in a pinch
Gridlock - Lock down their whole field, and watch the frustration build!
Tamiyo, the Moon Sage - Fits into the deck perfectly. Watch your opponents cry! >:D
Curse of Exhaustion - More control yay!
Phantom General - Helps those tokens actually do things :D
Drogskol Reaver - Just in case you find you are getting too much land and you need a power boost.
Murmuring Phantasm - Good early walls if you need them
Debtor's Pulpit - More tapping is always a good thing.
Archon of the Triumvirate - For more control and more power.
Supreme Verdict - Just in case things get hairy, but usually, you'll have more creatures and your opponent will have unusable tapped creatures, so it's kind of hit or miss.
Moorland Haunt - Helpful for more spirits, but Angel of Flight Alabaster just gets everything out again and a theoretical Tamiyo, the Moon Sage emblem means nothing goes away, so it kind of loses it's purpose.
Cavern of Souls - Can be very useful for quick creatures but the deck's already quite full.
Thanks for viewing, hope you up vote, and suggestions are always accepted :D