Mana Geyser

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Mana Geyser


Add for each tapped land your opponents control.

bryanedds on Godo for Shodo

2 months ago

Let's replace Dockside Extortionist with Mana Geyser.

Flarhoon13 on Arjun's Shifting Flames

4 months ago

Oct 18 Arjun win. Turn 3 Arjun via Mana Vault. Turn 5 Parallel Thoughts allowed turn 6 Mana Geyser, Zealous Conscripts and Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker, attacked for 6 million

Flarhoon13 on The Jeleva Convention

4 months ago

Having completed my quest to play all 52 of my decks, I decided to try getting a win with all of my decks.

Sep 6

The Jeleva Convention won. Jeleva, Nephalia's Scourge never attacked, despite me casting her twice, but I drew into Mana Geyser plus Ardent Elementalist via Dig Through Time with Reiterate in hand. Untapped, Mana Geyser for 9 mana, Ardent Elementalist got it back, allowing me to infinitely  Reiterate it when I cast Mana Geyser the second time. Had Mizzix's Mastery to infinitely Dig Through Time, and I eventually exiled my opponents libraries with infinite mana via You Find Some Prisoners, which would have allowed me to also cast their libraries. Ain't nobody got time for dat, Josh, Joe and Jesse conceded upon seeing the win con. 2-6

Commander_JAR on The Malevolent Sink Eater

10 months ago

Considering you're running red and Dragonstorm you should look into the red "ritual cards." Worse cast they give you more mana to cast other spells. Best case, you're tutoring more dragons than you'll probably expect.

Seething Song and Mana Geyser are good ones.

austintayshus on Kykar kicks ass (Suggestions needed!) (Budget)

11 months ago

Mana Geyser can be bonkers in late game commander.

ascanio on Anhelo's Thriller

1 year ago

Cambi che io farei:

Ghoulish Procession --> Demand Answers

Cut/Ribbons --> Sorin's Vengeance

Rakdos Charm --> New Blood

Jadar --> Dark Petition

Poppet Stitcher --> boh, Mana Geyser? Anche se in realtà ti servirebbe uno spot per la nuova Judith.

In boh se vuoi puntare un pochino di più sui tesori: Mahadi, Emporium Master; Marionette Master; Blood Money.

Si può anche dibattere se è meglio Metallurgic Summonings o Shark Typhoon


1 year ago


Hey man, thanks for checking out my list!

So this particular iteration is definitely pretty light on rituals as you can see, instead opting for an abundance of low-cost mana rocks along with a few ways to quickly get Dockside Extortionist into your hand - namely Gamble, Imperial Recruiter & Recruiter of the Guard. The curve of the deck is fairly low, and you shouldn't run into too many problems if you play your cards right (lol), but I can definitely see how the lack of rituals could be seen as problematic if we're talking about going fast af. The main reason that I chose to opt for rocks over rituals is the fact that Narset's ability is centered around the combat phase, and it's just more difficult to squeeze value out of rituals in that context than mana rocks, especially since the rocks can also be cast from the graveyard. I do think that something like Storm-Kiln Artist deserves consideration here, though. I've actually been trying to find space for that guy for a few weeks if you have any suggestions on what to cut. If I'm going to slot him in, though, I'd almost rather slot in Birgi, God of Storytelling  Flip so that I can combo with Sensei's Divining Top & Elsha of the Infinite for more sweet, sweet resilience.

Getting to the decks wincons, It's admittedly relying on Intuition to an extreme degree to set up a win by Tutoring up Underworld Breach, Sevinne's Reclamation & Brain Freeze. This strategy relies on the pilot having Lion's Eye Diamond on the board prior, but considering Narset can snatch other people's Tutors from their Graveyards and cast them for free as well as your own, this is actually quite a bit more feasible than it seems at a glance. Remembering that everyone's Graveyards are pretty much yours for the taking is super important here.

Mana Geyser is a timeless banger, but I struggle to find justification for it beyond 2-color builds. There's just not enough room for it compared to other essentials in most 3-color lists within that I've built, unless I'm able to either cast it at instant speed or for a heavily reduced cost, preferably both. My standards for rituals in general may have been ruined by Dark Ritual & Culling the Weak, though...Once you go , ya know...

All of my lists undergo constant editions, though, and I'm sure this one will be no different. I can actually feel the next version brewing in my mind right now lol, thanks for your feedback!

Hypersayia9001 on A WOMAN'S INTUITION (NARSET)

1 year ago

Azoth2099 Thanks for your suggestions on my own Narset deck. There's some very interesting things that I'm definitely going to be thinking about.

In regards to this deck, this might just be me, but looking at this in it's current state, I feel like you're liable to struggle to really combo properly when you get Underworld Breach online. No issue keeping the graveyard full, but there's only really Jeska's Will and Rite of Flame in terms of rituals, so I see you running out of Mana fairly easily if you don't draw/mill either of them. (Not difficult, in hindsight seeing how many tutors there are, but still)

I'd see about trying to fit Mana Geyser in there for some extra red and Storm-Kiln Artist for some colour fixing as you go.

I'm also kinda struggling to see a definitive win condition. Might be me being dumb, but I'm not seeing anything that'd clear the board, damage the opponent or mill anyone out, aside from maybe comboing Traumatize and Brain Freeze while Underworld Breach is active, but you'd then need some crazy mana for that to work. That in mind, Cyclonic Rift is a good way to clear out the board for an attack, Grapeshot can easily storm out if you get a loop going, and Jaya's Immolating Inferno can just incinerate everyone if you build up a decent pool of mana.

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