

Creature (1)

Totally open to suggestions! I know I'm not a stellar deck-builder, but my priorities are originality and kinda budget. Had the idea for this deck when I noticed the nice interaction between Old-Growth Dryads and Tocatli Honor Guard. Then I realized Greenbelt Rampager worked nicely with that too. I like hatebears, and I like standard, so for a while now I've been considering doing something like this. There are no literal hatebears by definition (2-mana 2/2s) in G/W in Standard, but there's a nice collection of cheap creatures with respectable bodies that do little things to screw with your opponent. The deck won't be winning in the first few turns, so I've got a small finisher package. Ripjaw Raptor is nasty, forcing your opponent to make tough decisions. (In playtesting one guy killed it with a Ballista-- that was fun!) Bishop of Rebirth provides some sorta-card advantage, replaying some of my efficient early plays that were removed. Carnage Tyrant is a big bad baddie, and really hard to get off the field. There are a total of seven Dinos in the deck, so I feel Priest of the Wakening Sun is justified. It's the ideal T1 play, and can net you far more than one mana's worth of life gain. I am aware of the non-bos between Tocatli Honor Guard and Fairgrounds Warden/Manglehorn, but... whatever.


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 0 Mythic Rares

32 - 10 Rares

9 - 2 Uncommons

3 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.66
Folders Standard
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