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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal


Creature — Human Bear Druid

: Add .

Threshold — Werebear gets +3/+3 as long as seven or more cards are in your graveyard.

Nicklaffy2302 on Raze, Rebuild, Reclaim

2 days ago

leovolt884_ I'm little embarrassed to admit I missed the Swamp part in Snuff Out, I appreciate you pointing it out! I enjoy your suggestions of Bayou Groff in place of Werebear, Utopia Sprawl, and Skyshroud Ranger. I've never been good at land base building / having an appropriate ratio, so I'm hesitant to include a third land colour.

I also have mixed feelings about Rubblebelt Maverick, but I think I want to see how he does first before replacing him.

Thank you very much for your thoughts, and I look forward to seeing your version if you do build one! :)

leovolt884_ on Raze, Rebuild, Reclaim

3 days ago

I may be stupid, but how are you casting snuff out?

In terms of suggestions you could probably go 20 or 21 lands in a deck where lands matter so much. I don't think Rubblebelt Maverick is actually helping that much to run 4 of it. I think what would be funnier is jam 4 Raze and run 2 or 3 Skyshroud Ranger or something of the same effect. Maybe make a small engine with Groundskeeper to return lands and then put them directly into play from your hand.

Another direction you can take it is just have one REALLY GOOD land and sacrifice the rest. Enchant a land with Wild Growth and Utopia Sprawl and just focus on keeping one or two enchanted lands around and keeping your opponent down to one or two mana while you have 3, 4, or even 5. Stone Rain is also an iconic card. This deck seems to really want to play black. Bone Shards can help you bin an early land to play a turn 2 wurm. Village Rites is excellent card draw and can keep your hand full of lands for afforementioned Skyshroud Ranger type effects. Black loves to sacrifice for cheap and while Improvised Club is a great use for Akki Blizzard-Herder more sacrifice outlets would be more consistent.

I don't really like Werebear in this deck because I think it will just take too long for it to become a 4/4 and it isn't an effective beater if you have to end up using it for mana to cast anything. Maybe consider Bayou Groff or Burning-Tree Emissary. This deck looks kinda funny and it makes me want to make my own version

Fortheboys11 on Card creation challenge

2 months ago

Werebear Sentry

Creature - Bear Archer

Deathtouch, Reach

: Werebear Sentry deals x damage to target creature with flying. Add an amount of equal to the excess damage dealt this way.


He, too, bears arms

Callback to Werebear

This is a great challenge, repeat

leovolt884_ on Golgari Limbo

6 months ago

It actually came to my attention that there were many more of these effects for one mana at instant speed just worded different enough to not appear in my searches. What would you recommend I cut from the deck? I could probably cut one copy of Dredging Claw and the Werebear doesn't seem too necessary with all the power I have on other creatures. If I cut a claw, the bears, and maybe trim an Unearth that should be decent space for some additions. I'm not sure about a whole playset of Walker of the Grove because it kind of is dead space in hand until turn 6 when i can evoke with an instant. The deck is too aggressive to run 4 dead draws, since it will very rarely if ever end up being hard cast for 8.

DreadKhan on Dances with Bears

1 year ago

I'm not sure if it's a good enough card, but I've always been fond of good old Werebear. It can be nice and beefy sometimes, but it's also a mana bear. There is also Bearscape, both Werebear and Bearscape care about cards in the graveyard, so you can look at cards that put the unwanted cards in the graveyard rather than bottom of the library, so something like Tapping at the Window or Tracker's Instincts over your Commune With Spirits, there is also Commune with the Gods, which puts an impressive 4 cards in the graveyard. I like the idea of a bear deck that does some scavenging/generally makes a mess, but there is nothing wrong with what you're already doing.

legendofa on I really miss flavor text

2 years ago

Profet93 Quick tip for you.


[[Werebear (ODY)]]

Profet93 on I really miss flavor text

2 years ago

Werebear - Definitely an American for sure. EDIT: Can't figure out how to find the old edition.

"The right to bear arms"

Coward_Token on Innistrad: Crimson Vow

3 years ago

I only just realized that Reclusive Taxidermist is a throwback to Werebear, which feels weird on this plane.

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