Storm Fleet Swashbuckler

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Storm Fleet Swashbuckler

Creature — Human Pirate

Ascend (If you control ten or more permanents, you get the city's blessing for the rest of the game.)

Storm Fleet Swashbuckler has double strike as long as you have the city's blessing.

Coward_Token on Duskmourn

8 months ago

legendofa & Gleeock: See, it's totally fair to say that it's believable that some plane in the vast multiverse has come up with modern technology. (I prefer "believable" over “realistic” to avoid setting of annoyingly literal people. (You know who you are.)) For me, the problem is aesthetic. It’s just hard to not make it clash with the rest of MtG:s look. Doylism over Watsonianism, so to speak. Incidentally, while I think most of the human gun cards from Portal: Second Age ook goofy (e.g. Alaborn Cavalier) l, I dislike Ixalan insisting on using hand-held crossbows instead of pistols (e.g. Storm Fleet Swashbuckler). Also, I’m fine with e.g. Kaladesh.

For new fantasy settings, I’d like to see more planes based on non-Western cultures and mythologies.

Coward_Token on Pattern Recognition #142 - High …

5 years ago

Maybe I misunderstood you, but there's a decent amount of cannons on the art of the Ixalan block: Bombard, Cancel, Elaborate Firecannon, Firecannon Blast, Lightning-Rig Crew, Makeshift Munitions & Storm the Vault  Flip. I think what stands out more is the absence of personal firearms for pirates in favor of crossbows; see e.g. Dinosaur Hunter & Storm Fleet Swashbuckler.

Murphy77 on

6 years ago

Have you considered Squee, the Immortal in place of Storm Fleet Swashbuckler?

I would tend to drop Fling in favour of Tempest Djinn, but would also consider Mutiny as a way to limit the number of creatures that your opponent gets onto the field.

JaceSeeker on Admiralty Brawl (Pirate Tribal)

6 years ago

Have you considered running Kari Zev's Expertise and Storm Fleet Swashbuckler. I believe they would add some good value to your setup. If your looking for a bit more consistent counter spells I recommend Hornswoggle Also Hungry Flames would be some good quick removal for you, and Buccaneer's Bravado would work break with this deck.

JaceSeeker on Fade to Black

6 years ago

I have actually been considering running her and side boarding the Storm Fleet Swashbuckler

Ninjew42 on P.O.Pi (Pile Of Pirates)

6 years ago

Hi Geoffrey1,
I have a few suggestions that I think will make your deck unstoppable.
First is get rid of 4x Dire Fleet Captain in favor of 3x more Fathom Fleet Captain. Fathom Fleets ability to make 2/2 Menace Pirate Tokens is better in both short and long game situations then Dire Fleet. Menace also makes it a tough thing to kill without some sort of direct damage or removal.
Get rid of Storm Fleet Swashbuckler and add some more removal spells like Vraska's Contempt or Unlicensed Disintegration. The Ascend ability is worthless if your opponent is dead in 6 turns.
Think about adding 3 or 4 Buccaneer's Bravado to the mix. You will be amazed at how effective a surprise double strike creature can win games. Lets turn that 4/2 pirate into a 5/3 double strike pirate.
Other than that I would say Your deck. . . . Will kill.

Freezingfist on Boros Path Of Mettle

7 years ago

Cool list, razelfark.

I have to ask tho... why bother with ascend? Your ascend creatures seem like they slow you down. Snubhorn Sentry Could be 2 more copies of Fanatical Firebrand and filling out the playset of Ahn-Crop Crasher & Bomat Courier. Storm Fleet Swashbuckler could be Shocks

If you're trying to keep up pressure with haste creatures, I don't think you'll want to draw into anything defensive. Just my thoughts. Have you tested it? What's your experience with the deck like?

CeilingShapes on All aboard, rakdos sailors! (Budget aggro pirates)

7 years ago

I think removing both of the Dire Fleet Captain and adding 2 Rigging Runner or 2 Storm Fleet Swashbuckler in its place would give you a much needed defense advantage this deck needs. Also Storm Fleet Swashbuckler can still be useful even on turn 5-6 when this deck wants to win.

Try running 4 Buccaneer's Bravado for a few games, it's very underrated.

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