Moratorium Stone

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Moratorium Stone


, : Exile target card from a graveyard.

, , Sacrifice this: Exile target nonland card from a graveyard, all other cards in all graveyards with the same name as that card, and all permanents with that name.

Darkaxel1990 on

8 years ago

This is the first deck in version 2.0. I first removed from the generic pool of guild cards the worst in a multiplayer environment: Dutiful Thrull, Mourning Thrull, Syndicate Enforcer, Blind Hunter, Beckon Apparition, Cry of Contrition, Conjurer's Ban, Purge the Profane, Shadow Lance, Gift of Orzhova and Moratorium Stone were simply too weak; Sin Collector and Castigate are great in 1v1, but not very much here. And I'm still dubious about Alms Beast. Then I tryed to improve the deck adding Droning Bureaucrats, Loxodon Gatekeeper, Sandsower, Spelltithe Enforcer, Ghosts of the Innocent Faith's Fetters and Sphere of Safety to slow down the opponents and take time to build a stable board so is possible to take advantage of all the life drain the deck offer. Then Moonlight Bargain and Underworld Connections for card draw, and finally some bombs: Skeletal Vampire, Angel of Serenity, Luminate Primordial, Sepulchral Primordial and Grave Betrayal. The deck now perform as a strong wall against enemies, stopping them while slowly draining their life.

Etoilebane on Lil' Teysa's Combo Party

8 years ago

I'll flip out Moratorium Stone when I can. I've just always kinda wanted to use the silly thing.

Izu_Korasu on Lil' Teysa's Combo Party

8 years ago

Consider swapping Moratorium Stone for Relic of Progenitus for more efficient graveyard exile.

Polupus on

8 years ago

I would get rid of Moratorium Stone and Torpor Orb.

It fills a similar role to Moratorium Stone. And Torpor Orb isn't really relevant to this deck as you can mill them before they even hit the battlefield.

ae0n5105 on Paradise, Damnation or Tariel [[PRIMER]]

8 years ago

@cobalt127: Moratorium Stone seems a bit janky, I've often seen cards like Eater of the Dead or Junktroller included. I had Junktroller in the deck early on as he was a decent ground blocker with added benefit.

Tariel's random reanimate ability is really fun when left alone. Sure you may get something super odd, but sometimes that is pretty cool. Plus it's bonus points when you luck out and get a void winnower (out of 4 or so creatures). it kind of leaves that fun "Gambling" type effect that seems to be in the spirit of red. Worst case scenario you are getting a chump blocker of some sort.

I'm running a good amount of direct opponent graveyard reanimation spells, so i don't need to rely on Tariel's reanimation unless I'm out of options or I'm feeling lucky, which is probably the best time to be gambling (as a red player of course).

cobalt127 on Paradise, Damnation or Tariel [[PRIMER]]

8 years ago

This deck looks real nice, I've been thinking of making a Tariel deck recently myself. Are cards like Moratorium Stone worth running so that you have a bit of control over what card you pull out of the graveyard with her?