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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
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Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
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Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Barren Glory
At the beginning of your upkeep, if you control no permanents other than Barren Glory and have no cards in hand, you win the game.

SteelSentry on All the combos
8 months ago
Worldfire + Oblivion Ring exiling either Barren Glory or Near-Death Experience is a combo I've always wanted to put in a deck, but any red damage enchantment like Sulfuric Vortex works as well.
SufferFromEDHD on
No Creatures, No Problem
1 year ago
I too run a Guff Super friends list but yours is creatureless and therefore better. You also snuck in a Barren Glory alternate win condition? Great work!
Gidgetimer on Barren Glory and Planeswalker Emblems
1 year ago
Emblems aren't permanents and therefore have no bearing on Barren Glory's trigger.
114.5. An emblem is neither a card nor a permanent. Emblem isn’t a card type.
indieinside on Barren Glory and Planeswalker Emblems
1 year ago
Barren Glory is the win condition in my Super-friends deck. I just got to thinking about it and I have a question about Barren Glory triggering if there are Emblems on the table?
My removal cards are Apocalypse and Worldfire.
legendofa on Can someone explain to me …
1 year ago
During your opponent's end step, right before your turn begins, cast Borne Upon a Wind (or start with Leyline of Anticipation in play). Flash-cast Barren Glory first, hold priority, and cast Apocalypse. (You do have just casually lying around, right?) Apocalypse resolves, emptying the battlefield and removing your hand. Barren Glory resolves and enters the battlefield.
As your turn starts and Barren Glory triggers on your upkeep, it checks that you control no permanents and have no hand (both true, thanks to Apocalypse). Since its conditions are met, it fully resolves and you win the game.
indieinside on Can someone explain to me …
1 year ago
Apocalypse + Barren Glory + Borne Upon a Wind
There are several like it and EDHREC says it works but it doesnt make any sense to me.
Squee_Spirit_Guide on
Barren Glory Storm
1 year ago
Hey jdogz32, thanks for the upvote! I'm glad I could help out! I've found the deck to be a lot of fun, and no one sees the Barren Glory win coming the first time. I hope you enjoy it :)
jdogz32 on
Barren Glory Storm
1 year ago
I saw Barren Glory and immediately thought I had to make a deck with this in it and had no idea how to break it. You saved me so much time! Definitely going to borrow this one.