Acolyte of Bahamut

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Acolyte of Bahamut

Legendary Enchantment — Background

Commander creatures you own have "The first Dragon spell you cast each turn costs less to cast."

Delphen7 on acolyte of bahamut + the …

1 year ago

For future reference, you can link cards by wrapping them in double brackets ( [ ] these guys). Acolyte of Bahamut, The Ur-Dragon.

You will not be able to cast The Ur-Dragon for the reduced cost. Even though he will have the text "The first Dragon spell you cast each turn costs less to cast" while in the command zone, the discount will only apply while he is on the battlefield, and therefore cannot apply to himself.

604.2: "Static abilities create continuous effects, some of which are prevention effects or replacement effects. These effects are active as long as the permanent with the ability remains on the battlefield and has the ability, or as long as the object with the ability remains in the appropriate zone, as described in rule 113.6."

Slashdance on A Thunder of Dragons

2 years ago

@ MyFETTish

Yeah, Triumph of the Hordes could def do some work in here, but I'm just not a fan of winning by infect sometimes. I don't think it's fun, and not really thinking it fits "dragons" so much.

But it is a good idea, for sure ... we could easily take out 1, 2, or even 3 players with it. Not sure if my local meta would like that, but it's a fine add for anybody else with this deck. =)

And, about the commander, I go over that in the primer above. In fact, it's the first accordion block available to click on: "Wait, what? Why no DRAGON for our commander?"

It says:

"Glad you asked!

Our original Commander was Thrakkus the Butcher. He is actually the original inspiration for the deck and our choice of colors. But his 5 mana CMC with at least 1 of red and green feels a bit high as a removal magnet.

After some thought we are leaned more towards Ganax, Astral Hunter with Acolyte of Bahamut as the Background so we can not only play with the new mechanic but also get some mana relief earlier and repeatedly into the game. This plays perfectly into a deck with many high-cost fatties!

Unfortunately, though we can get Acolyte into play sooner than our commander, we cannot use Acolyte to help pay for our commander since it transfers the ability TO the commander ... and he's not in play yet. Making matters worse, once we summon our commander, we STILL cannot use the ability from Acolyte because our commander would have been the first dragon cast that turn. Thus, to use Acolyte to save mana, we must wait until our next turn and hope that our commander is still alive to provide mana relief for our next "first" dragons. This is NOT ideal, as now our commander is a HUGE target even more than before, and we're taking up two cards to play our commander. Ugh.

To tell the truth, the BEST commander for our dragon deck is actually going to be Karlach, Fury of Avernus, with the background Acolyte of Bahamut. Karlach has the awesome ability to give us 2 combat rounds each turn to really push our damage output to the max, AND we get the bonus of using Acolyte's mana reduction for a dragon every turn, even the first turn we put our commander into play. Even better is that she, herself, doesn't need to attack in order to trigger a 2nd attack phase, which most of creatures with similar abilities do, so we can keep her protected by not attacking if it is strategically sound to do so.

Yes, she's going to be an even larger target for removal, but justifiably so. This is okay, she's worth it. She's one of those creatures you want out early and often, and being a Commander her allows her to return a lot, and we'll have plenty of mana to spend. Plus, we can drop Thrakkus in behind her, and getting double damage in 2 attack rounds ... BRILLIANT!

That all said, this doesn't exactly play into our "ultimate" dragon theme deck as well, as Karlach is NOT a dragon. But what she lacks in creature type she gains in a background, and in the spirit of D&D, being an "Acolyte of Bahamut" means she worships dragons near religiously, and so thematically we can play her as a devoted practitioner of dragon summoning.

So, if we want the MOST effective and dangerous dragon deck there is, Karlach, Fury of Avernus is our go-to commander, imho. She's pretty badass!

See further down below for some other commander options!"

Thanks for stopping by!

TheEvilWizard on "My background is a little complicated"

2 years ago

you should cut some of the backgrounds that don't have any synergy with your deck, like Acolyte of Bahamut, seeing as you're running no dragons and maybe run stuff like Arcane Adaptation or Xenograft so your other creatures get the Sliver Hivelord buff

KBK7101 on So what are the Background …

2 years ago

I haven't done too much research into pairings, but I do think a few had some potential (for me, at least) :

Folk Hero, Clan Crafter, Vhal, Candlekeep Researcher, Criminal Past, Dragon Cultist and Cloakwood Hermit all seem pretty cool, too.

I will admit, I do like CLB's background partner system a lot more than the dungeon mechanic that AFR gave us. It feels much more "DnD" to me. (as someone who's never played DnD)

Swebb87 on Backgrounds in play before your …

2 years ago

Hi if I have Acolyte of Bahamut in play, will this reduce the cost of my commander if it's a dragon? Or is it only when the commander is in play and under my control?

Hi_diddly_ho_neighbor on Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's …

2 years ago

Ancient Gold Dragon is pretty sweet. It's nice to see white get one of the strongest iterations in the cycle. I think the black one is still the best though.

Ancient Bronze Dragon is a bit underwhelming, but green having the weakest of the cycle is good for once.

Wild Magic Surge will be Chaos Warp v2.0. This is an instant staple in all mono-red decks, as well as probably Rakdos and Izzet decks. Not sure G or W aligned red decks will want it since they can already deal with most permanent types. The card definitely has a higher worst-case-scenario probability than Chaos Warp does, but I think it's flexibility will outweigh the negatives.

I really like Vexing Puzzlebox. It's a nice payoff for dice rolling decks that isn't too powerful.

Windshaper Planetar is interesting. On one hand, it's a better Portal Mage/Illusionist's Gambit, on the other hand, it costs 5 mana. Not sure how to rate this one yet.

Barroom Brawl is freaking hilarious and I love the card. Probably not terribly strong, but I think it creates a fairly entertaining play pattern.

I think Earthquake Dragon is going to be really strong in certain decks. This will reliably be a 3-5 cmc 10/10 with Flample in dragon tribal decks.

Eldritch Pact seems cool. My Balthor the Defiled deck may want this for mass card draw late game. It's also a decent finisher for mill decks after a Traumatize is fired off.

A few more decent reprints like Nature's Lore and Traverse the Outlands are trickling in, but I really hope they spoil a few more tomorrow.

I am pretty sure I know the answer to this already, but I'd like some quick clarification on Acolyte of Bahamut. Your commander has to be on the battlefield for the ability to take effect correct? So if it were paired with Ganax, Astral Hunter, it couldn't actually be used to reduce the cost of Ganax correct?

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