Toshiro the Vagabond

Commander / EDH gdm1989


Aug. 6, 2018

After a couple of losses and people wising up on how I run Toshiro, I've decided I'm going to add some more instants to kill anything that moves instead of going the toolbox method. As well as adding sorcery spells to force my opponent to make a choice on how they want to die, plus a couple of pestilence cards. I'll see how this revision goes. If all else fails I'll revert this deck back to spellslinger. Stunning Reversal did. not. help.

Will test Crypt Rats, No Mercy, Nightmare Incursion, Killing Wave, Sorin Markov, Pestilence.

Thescarabbob says... #1

This is an interesting list. I personally would just max out on utility spells, such as Sol Ring and Lightning Greaves, remove all the creatures and replace them with instant speed destroy such as Murder and -X/-X spells such as Disfigure, avoiding X where possible as you can't cast these from the yard, and exile based removal. I would then go up tutors and add in revel in riches and other non-creature finishers as they're hardest to interact with. In all, you want to streamline and generally have the game on a lock by turn 5, making you kingmaker. This is all personal opinion, but it's what I would suggest.

August 4, 2018 2:41 p.m.

cplvela0811 says... #2

Ratchet Bomb as a mono-colored Engineered Explosives? I know it could screw the board pretty well, in multiplayer matches. I mostly ramble in Modern, so I could be incorrect on my suggestion. +1.

August 4, 2018 2:57 p.m.

Megalomania says... #3

This reminds me of old mono black control decks except you want to keep your commander in play which adds a bit of difficulty.

Maybe use Mirari to get more out of your spells? You can also add Pestilence and Sorin Markov. They seem to fit the theme and work well together.

Contamination and Infernal Darkness are other cards that might be worth considering.

Lastly, I have found Chain of Smog to be a fun and effective way to force everyone to discard their hand. You might find this to your advantage since your commander allows you to cast instant cards from your graveyard.

August 4, 2018 6:21 p.m.

Thescarabbob says... #4

@megalomania why do pox/rack lists not run smog? They seem to get empty handed extremely easily.

August 4, 2018 7:01 p.m.

gdm1989 says... #5

This is the first time I even heard about that card

Megalomania. I may consider it and Mirari may go back in the deck since Sadistic Sacrament has been a all star in this deck. It always give me a victory

Thescarabbob there are a few creatures I'm thinking of keeping which will provide a edge in case I can't get toshiro out. Though replacing some of them with a few more kill spells isn't a bad idea. I also thought about adding Tainted Strike for a infect type victory.

cplvela0811 I'll run some tests with ratchet bomb and see how it will do

I do know Lord of the Void have not been useful at all and surprisingly Nirkana Revenant

August 4, 2018 7:18 p.m.