The Minefield: A Modern Artifact Recycler (T3 Win)

Modern DuTogira

SCORE: 139 | 238 COMMENTS | 30576 VIEWS | IN 85 FOLDERS

Updating the Overhaul —Oct. 3, 2014

Well, as was to be expected, the deck didnt come out perfectly after the overhaul. It worked, but the consistency was horrid, ranging from a turn 3 to a turn 15 win, which is unacceptable. So, I made a few changes to both the main and sideboard to strengthen the deck.

Changes to Main Board:
2xGifts Ungiven --> 2x Halimar Depths... It turns out that since Gifts Ungiven typically can't be used to fetch combo components, it actually sucks!
2xGodless Shrine --> 2xHalimar Depths. Since this new rework, i lost a lot of white spells... so I don't need the white flex mana anymore.
4xLeonin Elder --> 4xSage of Epityr... the new changes made losing life rather unimportant, and consistency even more important, so this change was a no brainer.
2xClutch of the Undercity --> 1xGrand Architect + Pili-Pala because the infinite mana matters more than the recycling.
2xEnsoul Artifact --> 2xCathedral Membrane because interestingly enough, a 2 mana wall which can stike back for 6 against large creatures is better than a 5/5 artifact combo creature.
2xPsychosis Crawler --> 1xMemnarch + 1xTreasure Mage. Yeah he's back. With this new deck format it turns out that playing Psychosis Crawler only tends to be a threat once you have already won, but Memnarch creates an entirely new win condition that doesn't require Auriok Salvagers nor any Spellbombs, assuming you have the infinite mana combo out.

Sideboard Change:
4xArcbound Worker --> 4xJudge's Familiar to create a stronger match-up against control and burn, which was crucial given the fact that this deck lost its source of life gain.

That's it... more updates to come most likely... but hopefully (and far less likely) this masterpiece is finished and I can finally rest without Pondering it for two hours a night.

So far I've tried it in 20 different matches (yes all online via tappedout's playtester, but give me a break I only finished the update a few hours ago) and so far its been extremely consistent in getting turn 5-8 wins. Against heavy control that number does go to turn 10-14 wins, but it's control, there's no rush anyway. The win-rate (and I wasn't going easy on myself) was at 70%, which to me is pretty good. I'll post another update after tomorrow's FNM, letting you guys know how it does there.

Ok so I went 4-0 at the local FNM, although I do think this is due in part to the fact that no-one saw this deck coming (save the store owner who helped me with the deck, but he didn't compete this night). Therefore, I am still open to feedback on the deck, especially if there are any other artifact cards that I have somehow missed which can singlehandedly be a wincon if you have infinite mana.

Maybe I'm missing something obvious here, but how are you able to get Lotus Bloom on the field each time you sacrifice it? Salvagers brings it to your hand at which point you have to exile it with 3 time counters. So how are pulling off the infinite combo in one turn?

October 2, 2014 10:08 a.m.

DuTogira says... #2

Please correct me if I'm wrong but I was under the impression that it's a 0 mana cost artifact to play from the hand which you can choose to suspend instead (not sure why you would choose to, other than for hand space if you are starting to overdraw).

October 2, 2014 10:16 a.m.

DuTogira says... #3

My apologies. I misinterpreted this card as essentially a modern legal Black Lotus , which it is not. That being said, this deck idea still works with Black Lotus but it would be reduced to a casual level deck. I may have to simply incorporate a new infinite mana combo to fill the hole revealed in my plan.

October 2, 2014 10:32 a.m.

Yeah, I wish lol that would be absolutely ridiculous. It actually technically does not have a normal casting cost, effectively forcing you to pay it's alternate casting cost (suspend 0). If it had a 0 casting cost like Pact of Negation , as well as the suspend alternate cost, then it would work.

October 2, 2014 11:36 a.m.

DuTogira says... #5

I'll just end up replacing Lotus Bloom and Leonin Squire with Grand Architect and Pili-Pala , as well as some other minor changes to better suit this new adjustment. The deck still works. Thank god magic has no short of infinite mana combos.

October 2, 2014 12:41 p.m.