Commanders by Power Level [EDH Tier List]

Commander / EDH* thegigibeast

SCORE: 2474 | 9371 COMMENTS | 3299014 VIEWS | IN 1009 FOLDERS

Description update —June 4, 2016

I forgot to update some decks and things in the description, now it is done!

Just as a reminder, we also moved Azami, Lady of Scrolls tier 2, and we sorted out the tier 2 quite a bit. Keep the discussions going guyz, you are truly awesome!

KriegerYYZ says... #1

Tajic, Blade of the Legion belongs in Tier 4 IMO. An indestructible 2/2 for 4 isn't a terrible deal, and 7/7 attacking makes him pretty good; his typing & Battalion ability also make him a good commander for Soldier tribal decks. He's much worse than Alesha or Elesh Norn, but certainly usable in casual.

May 25, 2016 1:11 p.m.

FiddlerTheDrum says... #2

Azusa, Lost but Seeking definitely needs an upgrade to tier 2. It does not run out of steam when you focus the deck around card draw in order to back up the exploding opening hand.

May 26, 2016 5:15 p.m.

NarejED says... #3

After several hours of tinkering and testing, Shattergang Brothers has been successfully optimized.

The Gang's All Here

Commander / EDH* NarejED


May 26, 2016 9:19 p.m.

is Zurgo B in t5 because he is slower Norin? or because he is easier to kill? I would think that simply his ability to attack would put him on the same tier as Norin. also with ZB it is easier to hit both cast triggers and etb triggers, though i'm not sure if on cast effects matter in red though.

May 28, 2016 10:17 a.m.

i didn't mean to say easier for both cast and etb triggersthey can both do it, but zurgo will probably see more cast triggers than norin will. while norin will easily see more ETB triggers

May 28, 2016 10:20 a.m.

NarejED says... #6

Norin is where he is for his self-flicker ability. He usually runs a weaker version of Puphoros's strategy: have lots of creatures entering the battlefield to triger Purph, Impact Tremors, and other similar effects. He's significantly stronger than a generic body that has the downside of not being able to block everything. Bellstriker is down at the bottom because he's just that, a low-cost generic body with no upsides.

May 28, 2016 1:16 p.m.

that makes sense, i was just thinking you could use zurgo in a similar deck due to his dash, but that does see rather inefficient.and isamaru is above him because he can block more things, or is it his color making him better for the strategy

May 28, 2016 1:52 p.m.

sonnet666 says... #8

Isamaru is more of a color thing. White has way better voltron support.

May 28, 2016 1:55 p.m.

That makes sense I guess. and lastly why are the kozileks separated? aside from the possibly worse draw effect, isn't the menace body, and grave fill control better, or is anhil 4 that much better, if it is why isn't ulamog gire in t3?

May 28, 2016 2:15 p.m.

thegigibeast says... #10

As a Kozilek player, I would say it is rather safe to separate both... annihilator 4 has a huge impact on the game, and casting a Kozilek T2/T3 (look up Juwdah's list on mtgsalvation... No link for now sorry) with the annihilator can lock one or more players already, while NewZilek can't do this.

I would say NewZilek is one tier under the Butcher, like it is right now, even if he is powerful and included in the list I mentionned earlier.

May 28, 2016 2:48 p.m. Edited.

Well that's all the questions I have for now. Just wanted to have some relevant discussion I guess. Thanks for the answers. ;D

May 29, 2016 1:23 a.m.

Purphoros, God of the Forge is a tier 1 not a tier 2 at all i have used him many times in tier 1 and never said anything about it being tier 2 so you may need to look into that one

May 29, 2016 11:08 p.m.

i do not believe that your decision of Purphoros, God of the Forge should be in tier two as he is played as tier one for longtime now and all other edh's/commander formats he is stated in the tier 1 can i get a explanation of why you think he is to be tier 2 and not in tier 1????

May 29, 2016 11:52 p.m.

enpc says... #14

PurphorosGodoftheForge: I think your username might even be showing a bit of bias there :P

The biggest issue with Purphoros is that he is too hit and miss. Red really lacks consistent tutors and generally if you can keep Purphoros off the board, the whole deck suffers.

May 30, 2016 2:20 a.m.

NarejED says... #15

@PurphorosGodoftheForge: To begin with, Purphoros is an aggro commander by nature. Aggro tends to be extremely weak in multiplayer EDH due to the higher starting life totals and having multiple opponents to. It's an unreliable strategy that completely folds to any sort of infinite lifegain shenanigans.

Next, as an aggressive commander, Purphoros is rather slow, especially compared to many of the decks in Tier 1. Zur, Prossh, Narset, and Jeleva all average turn 4 or faster wins. Purphoros's average win turn is somewhere between 5 and 6.

Third, Purphoros is relatively glass cannon. He relies on large amounts of creatures entering the battlefield very quickly. He tends to blow through his hand very fast which, in mono red, is difficult to replenish. A few well placed disruption pieces puts Purphoros out of the game for several turns, or even indefinitely. He has very limited tools for protecting himself and for dealing with opponents' plays. If the aggro strategy falls through, which it often does, he doesn't have much to fall back on.

Those glaring flaws have led most of the competitive EDH community to agree that Purphoros isn't a huge threat. He's playable at higher levels, and has some favorable matchups against format-defining decks, which is what ultimately earns him his place at the lower end of Tier 2.

May 30, 2016 3:10 a.m.

lol you could say that but who not look at that awesome altered art you can get, i have the foil and normal and the alt art of him alt art is the commander deck nah mate i just think he is the best commander around for all reasons, but if you have a edh/commander deck setup right you can use his very well as in useing alot of tokerns and retuern cards to your hand for example Grinning pay 1 red and retrun him to the owners hand and add 2cl 1r play that over and over again deals damage and ( tokerns witch does not add to the devoation of red as they dont have a mana cost in them and Purphoros, God of the Forge is a 4 drop 3cl 1r even if he gets removed as a enchantment removal he will only cost 6 to return him to the command zone and if anyone has them in there decks it will be awhile before that will come about and you would have already hurt big by then by turn 6,7 people are down low on life totals

May 30, 2016 4:41 a.m.
May 30, 2016 4:42 a.m.

lol you could say that but who not look at that awesome altered art you can get, i have the foil and normal and the alt art of him alt art is the commander deck nah mate i just think he is the best commander around for all reasons, but if you have a edh/commander deck setup right you can use his very well as in useing alot of tokerns and retuern cards to your hand for example Grinning Ignus pay 1 red and retrun him to the owners hand and add 2cl 1r play that over and over again deals damage and Firecat Blitz tokerns witch does not add to the devoation of red as they dont have a mana cost in them and Purphoros, God of the Forge is a 4 drop 3cl 1r even if he gets removed as a enchantment removal he will only cost 6 to return him to the command zone and if anyone has them in there decks it will be awhile before that will come about and you would have already hurt big by then by turn 6,7 people are down low on life totals

May 30, 2016 4:44 a.m.

thegigibeast says... #19

Ok, not sure about what you were trying to say about the alternate art or the foil (?) but that doesn't mean a commander should be tier one... I do have a foil Atogatog and an alternate version of him and I really like him, but I know that is not enough to move him...

Aside from that, I must say I agree with what NarejED said. Purphoros is really good with a lot of tokens/creatures entering the battlefield, but the deck rely heavily on it's commander to win, and there are a lot of ways to easily keep him out (even if some are artifacts, for now I think about Torpor Orb and others). Also, you have to consider he is a mono-red commander: it lacks tutors and removal. You can deal with artifacts and with creatures (through burn) but enchantments will give you an hard time.

I still do like Purphoros, but he is a the right place in tier 2.

May 30, 2016 8:08 a.m.

Dredge4life says... #20

i like Purphurose too, but as previously stated, he's too unreliable. He has no tutors, very limited draw options, he can only win through damage, and just scoops to hate cards and lifegain. If your commander loses straight up to an inability to remove hate, than that's a reasonably large indication of non-T1 playability, at least in my eyes. Also, comment reset finally worked!

May 30, 2016 11:05 a.m.

trinitok says... #21

Dang. A lot has been done here. I feel so behind now.

NarejED and Leinahtan, I saw that earlier (about a week ago I think) you were saying something about a google doc for an FAQ or explaining why certain commanders are in certain tiers? Has anyone made any progress on that? If not, I can get some of it started and can put a link on here. If it is already started, would it be permissible for me to do Sen Triplets? They are my favorite card in all of MtG.

Who else is psyched for the new Eternal Masters!?!? I am looking forward to getting a foil of the new Vampiric Tutor :)

Sadly I have nothing to contribute to the Purphorose discussion. I have him but have never really liked him.

May 30, 2016 11:46 a.m.

that is true what you guys are saying but in fact the ratio of getting them removals and what you need is a pick out of a hundred unless you have search cards for creatures,removal spells,enchantments etc.but what i am saying in general here is that it would be hard to remove straight off or in a few turns before he does serious hurt to the opponents is that not true in that case with burn you really don't have a choice and cant stop them countering him at all as red does not control like blue and white can do, but if you deck is built up upon tokens and cards that can return to your hand and so on its a bonus red is for burn as you would all know that so we play red we don't need to worry about board control we deal damage straight to the player via other means cards and spells, you guys have raised some great points here about his advantages and disadvantageous about him being a commander but in my opinion he is still the best if played right like many other commanders

May 30, 2016 6:38 p.m.

Podkomorka says... #23

can we ban this guy? He's drunk or something

May 30, 2016 7:32 p.m.

enpc says... #24

PurphorosGodoftheForge: Dude, please use some punctuation. Currently most of your words are just turning into one big ramble and it's super hard to follow the points that you're trying to make.

What I think the issue here is that you're setting up the scenario where YOU get a good opening hand with purphoros but everyone else has mediocre or lousy opening hands. In this scenario, of course you'll do well. But all somebody has to do is counter him once or twice and you effective take away any impact that he was going to make. And counterspells like Swan Song only cost one mana. That means that a player can still ramp and hold open a single blue and yet can still screw over your whole strategy.

As I said, with a good opening hand he can be quite potent, but on a level playing field he's at a disadvantage against your Zurs and Damias and whatnots.

May 30, 2016 9:37 p.m.

I would also like to point out that white still has exile enchantment removal, which gets around his main form of protection. He isnt terrible, but his strategy is certainly easy to stop with most stax decks, and is overly reliant on the commander.If you look at the tier 1 decks, you will see that they all either tutor themselves a combo, are a durable combo peice, or enable one-sided stax effects. purpho does none of these

May 30, 2016 10:39 p.m.