Flash..AHAAA...Fastest Deck in the UNIVERSE

Standard Lunatic88


KCSeth3365 says... #1

that's pretty nasty....

you should consider Dispel and other 1 mana options especially for sideboard....this would ruin someones night at fnm.


January 13, 2016 3:26 p.m.

Lunatic88 says... #2

i dont think adding MORE counter is ideal SB tech, id preffer to include things that deal with specific kind of decks. like effective board wipes or specific kind of spot removal, im not really sure which, but i suppose 3 dispels wont hurt for against another control

January 14, 2016 12:47 a.m.

CattCaller says... #3

This deck looks menacing in theory. I'm going to be putting this through some tests myself and see where it goes.

I'll have some updates for you once I've got some playtesting in with some changes and what not.

It'll be interesting to see how the standard format shapes up after release with all these new cards.

The one card I'm going to try to break is Remorseless Punishment. I've been in love with that card since I first saw it spoiled and as much as people might think that it's a bad card, there's too much the card can do to let it just bypass.

Looking forward to your testing as well and again, keep us updated!

January 14, 2016 1:55 p.m.

Lunatic88 says... #4

CattCaller Last two days have been less favorable, its a shame the decks is easy to play around once you know what it does. however i have yet to slap together a decent Sideboard.

The reason i started including Mirrorpool was so that i could POTENTIALLY double cast Remorseless Punishment or Clone Inverter of Truth since i could run out of counters in some hands.

A Little Tip. I always get Far too Eager resolving Inverter of Truth I find the games where my hand or grave yard has 2 remorseless and to Inverters is the best time to do it.

Eager to hear your results on this ridiculous build and hopefully getn some positive feedback.

January 15, 2016 3:05 a.m.

CattCaller says... #5

So I've tested the build out a bit and I've noticed that there are times when I'm just trying to get some board control up but unable to due to some really aggressive red/green decks. Mono red has been killing me by turn 5 regardless of my counters.

I've since swapped out the dark deals for the new Drown in Sorrow, Flaying Tendrils and my match up against the aggro decks has become a lot better. For the sideboard I've added in Horribly Awry and Languish and swap them in and out depending on whether I'm facing tokens or some other creature heavy decks.

The results so far have been a pot better. I'm debating on playing a pair of Languish main board, just to have that extra cushion since none of our creatures die to both our board wipes.

Awesome deck and I'm going to take this farther and hopefully have a solid version for gameday!

I'll keep updating my test results as the days go by.

January 15, 2016 11:45 a.m.

Lunatic88 says... #6

CattCaller Nice i actually went a more midrange route by adding in more green. reduced the Control spells Down to just Scatter to the Winds Void Shatter and Clash of Wills, then Including Bounding Krasis and the new Void Grafter.

The Rakshasa's Secret at sorc speed was annoying me so i supplemented them for Sudden Reclamation

Also added Sultai Charm for situational removal, Draw, or removing a negative enchantment from Inverter of Truth

Flaying Tendrils would be great as a sideboard as well as the Horribly Awry

But thanks for the continued testing. im glad were coming up with different routes :)

January 15, 2016 2:07 p.m.

CattCaller says... #7

So I went to pre-release today, had some fun. Pulled 2 Flaying Tendrils from my sealed pool, ended up trading for a Promo Remorseless Punishment at the end of the event. went 2wins 1 loss, was a good day overall. My partner was also a first time two-headed giant player so it was interesting for both of us.Two headed giant was weird but fun to participate in.

At the moment, I'm on the hunt for 3 more promo Remorseless Punishment, only because I love the way the card looks foiled out, but I will be putting this deck together and tweaking/tuning it as time goes by and hopefully smash gameday!

January 16, 2016 9:46 p.m.

Lunatic88 says... #8

CattCaller Did the same earlier..unfortunately didn't get to do as good in my Pre-release, but i managed to get 2 Inverter of Truth and 1 Remorseless Punishment though opening and trading.

Still testing this deck online frantically and i think i finally got it where i want it. still the SB Vexes Me.

Let me know what you think of the followup changes to the deck. Appreciate the support/testing companion ;)

January 17, 2016 3:54 p.m.

CattCaller says... #9

Your sideboard should be tailored to your meta, I know mine is heavy creature based, but not sure after the release, so once I have an idea there, I can give some input to what kind of sideboard would be good against creature styled decks.

Aside from that, have you tried Languish in the sideboard? It would be a decent board in against decks like Atarka Red and creature based ramp deck. It wipes the board of awakened creatures as well.

Something I've noticed the deck has had problems with, for me at least were manlands, but I've since remedied that with 2 Lumbering Falls and 2 Hissing Quagmire which still allow a fair bit of pressure and block favourably against Shambling Vent as well. I have been toying with Complete Disregard as well for this very reason, trying it in a capacity of either 1 or 2, will need more testing for that.

Something I'm thinking about using is Witness the End. I don't know how good it will be, but it's like a mini Remorseless Punishment exiling two cards from their hand and making them lose 2 life. Either board wipe with Languish or play Witness the End followed by a Remorseless Punishment the following turn seems like it might not be so bad, but then again, it might not amount to anything.

I've taken a more Devoid route with the deck, maybe it's just my inner theme player acting up, but I've been messing around with a slew of cards from the new set and some things are working out, others not so much. I'll have another update to my findings once I've had some more testing in. I've preordered a complete playset of the commons and uncommons from the set which will be here come the last week of January so I'll have real life FNM testing after that in the first week of February.

Until then! I'll keep you posted on what works and what doesn't and I thank you again for bringing such an awesome deck idea to me.

January 19, 2016 12:08 a.m.

Lunatic88 says... #10

CattCaller I Had a look at some of your suggestions Lumbering Falls in Particular.

I seem to have constructed my deck to be far more Reactionary, almost all of it is instant or has flash, except for Remorseless Punishment and Inverter of Truth so cards like Witness the End just doesn't fit nicely. Also with creatures like Void Grafter and Bounding Krasis, Languish seems like it would hurt a little.

Keep on the testing and ill do the same on my side.

January 19, 2016 1:43 a.m.

Argy says... #11

+1 for name alone.

January 24, 2016 8:38 a.m.

Aric_Haldan says... #12

that description though :D I like the concept +1

January 24, 2016 8:42 a.m.

Aric_Haldan says... #13

January 24, 2016 8:59 a.m.

Lunatic88 says... #14

Aric_Haldan Yeah Harbinger of the Tides was an option. but think it will mess my curve, already have quite a few 2 drops and 3 drops. and his flash is only optional.

January 24, 2016 1:08 p.m.

Geoffrey1 says... #15

IDK man..... I really like the Harbringer in this list. I played something similar and he was a house against Gideon.... +1

January 25, 2016 4:31 p.m.

Aric_Haldan says... #16

he's actually a 4-drop because you'd want to play him with flash, but I'm not sure what I would take out for him anyway

January 25, 2016 7:27 p.m.

Lunatic88 says... #17

Geoffrey1 I suppose i could include 2 in SB for those High costing "inconvenient to Bounce matches"

January 26, 2016 4:25 a.m.

Geoffrey1 says... #18

I like that.

January 26, 2016 11:05 a.m.

TheMuffinMTG says... #19

Almost half of the cost is the two Polluted Deltas XD

February 3, 2016 6:56 a.m.

Kalibroxin says... #20

This deck....AHAH....will save every one of us!

I love flash decks. If your idea came to you without looking at another deck list, then it is original. I like the deck!

February 3, 2016 8:12 a.m.

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