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Etrata Bombardment



The goal of the deck is to come out running. You want to drop etrata as soon as possible and attack to exile their creatures. When etrata is shuffled back in the goal is to surveil until you find her and repeat so you can win or to use your unexplained disappearance's or blink of an eye's to bounce her to your hand so you can replay her without searcher for her. While your doing that you protect yourself with the creatures which have defender or deathtouch to block or deter any attacks. Then we dont want etrata in the graveyard so we have several counterspells and and bounce spells to keep her safe. As an alternate win con you can attack with any of they flying or get thoughtbound fantasim big by surveiling and swing for a kill.


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I checked the comments and saw that there were some great suggestions. I added in blink of an eye to make it so you can bounce etrata back to your hand not having to shuffle her and then i splashed some red by adding some maximize velocity's to give etrata haste so she can hit faster.


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Date added 5 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Rares

16 - 0 Uncommons

32 - 0 Commons

Cards 64
Avg. CMC 2.30
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