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B/W Servo Sacrifice

Standard WB (Orzhov)



Planeswalker (4)

Instant (3)

Sorcery (8)


Creature (4)

Black and White deck built around generating and sacrificing servos.

This deck has a lot of legs, with plenty of methods to remove, trigger revolt and survive opponent removals via indestructible activated abilities.

Most of this deck has a 3CMC mana curve, with a splash of 4/5CMC for later servo generation for blocking or sac/servo ramping. The low mana curve ensures Sram's Expertise has plenty of options to drop along with it.

Some example uses of cards, triggers and combos:

Syndicate Trafficker is difficult to remove, as long as you keep one servo and one B on hand during your opp's turn. Activate the indes to survive blocks and removal.

If Fatal Push is in hand, keep two B untapped so you can trigger its revolt off of Yahenni/Syndicate sacs to target things such as vehicles or bigger creatures.

Yahenni combos well with the 6 removals, plus the Fumigate SB. If you decide to SB in Fumigate, be sure to trigger Yahenni's indes before casting it. This lets Yahenni survive plus gain counters for each opp creature you Fumigate.

Toolcraft Exemplar is pretty self explanatory - with heavy servo generation, this creature will almost always benefit from its ability. Plus, it's a turn 1 chump blocker.

Zulaport for removal punishment, or for pinging your opp for each servo you throw as a blocker.

Weaponcraft Enthusiast for more servos, plus chump blocking.

With a good draw, you can drop Toolcraft turn 1, Syndicate turn 2, Weaponcraft turn 3, and be ready to start saccing servos to keep pumping Syndicate and Toolcraft.

Resourceful Return is quite simply card draw, and keeps creatures in play.


I put Fumigate in the SB to counter aggro or troublesome decks, such as Mardu or Snek counters.

Ob Nix for extra card draw and removal for slower decks.

Ruinous Path for Planeswalker hate.

Succumb for extra card draw when facing slower decks.


Updates Add


Decklist updated to reflect what I changed, especially sideboard.

1 round lost to cat combo, but I do know how to counter it! If against a cat deck, or if you know your LGS has a lot of them, MB/SB in Ruinous Path, replacing Grasp. Use Ruinous to remove Saheeli. Alternatively, save 2 black mana, sac a servo and Push the cat when both the cat and Saheeli are on the field, before they execute the combo.

The current MB also starts to run out of hand cards after turn 6, so if you're against a slow deck, SB in any of the draw options I included. Might MB a few more though.

As for everything else, the deck is a lot of fun, ramps up very quick with Syndicate.


Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 4 Mythic Rares

19 - 8 Rares

17 - 0 Uncommons

6 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.42
Tokens Emblem Ob Nixilis Reignited, Servo 1/1 C
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