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Mo' Forests, No Problem

Casual Casual Mono-Green Ramp




Creature (3)

Basic run-down:

The usual monogreen stratagems. Ramp, get your fatties out, beat the opponent's face in.

Support: Harmonize your hand back, Prey Upon their blockers before proceeding to smash.

Combos: Dungrove Elder is amazing and Kalonian Twingroves is great with this level of land fetch.


Tanglewurm is there if more unblockableness is needed, primarily for non-green opponents. Worldspine is amusing to drop and see your friends' faces as they read it. Primordial is for anti-fliers. Claim is for art/ench removal. Archetype can be used so the twins can't be removed.


Usually, late-game forest draws or ramp draws are frustrating, but not with the Groves! Each forest maniac is a 3 for a later 15/15, and sometimes hexproof!


Is Triumph of the Hordes even necessary here? I guess for a quicker game for b/w life gainers, but seriously, one can't take three growing 12/12s for long. And I could probably take out the other fatties as the Groves are a win con, but I guess no monogreen deck should go without some. Any help is appreciated.


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 1 Mythic Rares

9 - 2 Rares

11 - 7 Uncommons

13 - 5 Commons

Cards 59
Avg. CMC 3.20
Tokens Treefolk Warrior */* G
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