Hibernation's End

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Hibernation's End


Cumulative upkeep (1)

Whenever you pay Hibernation's End's cumulative upkeep, you may search your library for a creature card with converted mana cost equal to the number of age counters on Hibernation's End and put it into play. If you do, shuffle your library.

metalflame on Derevi Pulls All The Wurms Out Of A Hat! | V-DFT

2 years ago

your toolbox options for creatures on the mana curve is actually pretty good if you include Hibernation's End, and is mana efficient since you can drop dorks on the curve. You have a lot of mana fix in your lands, and I would say you can easily benefit, or stay just as effective in managing colors if you have more basic lands, and instead of high grade ramp that happens on turn 4 or 5 you can have 2 cost color mana rocks. This would bring down the cost significantly, and keep a viable color pool. I typically recommend more basics, fetch lands, and colored mana rocks.

Also put Myriad Landscape, and Blighted Woodland in there. its just more potential ramp you can easily fit in the deck

Yesterday on I'm looking for cards like …

2 years ago

As a deckbuilding challenge, I'm trying to build a deck that includes viable lines for every one of the Birthing Pod-like cards.

Are there any that I've missed?

Also I guess these, too.

I'm not looking for things like Reshape, where I can control the mana value of the chosen permanent by paying extra.

Thanks in advance!

metalflame on Here Kitty Kitty Kitty

3 years ago

Dragon Throne of Tarkir, Hibernation's End, Wild Pair, and Darksteel Mutation are great includes for this deck. All very much within budget ranges. There are a lot of good cheap staples in these colors.

metalflame on No Pain, No Gain (Willowdusk)

3 years ago

Plague of Vermin both gives you creatures and takes down your life and Royal Assassin seems like good includes for your deck. Id say you got more creatures than you need, and you could put that into enchantments that give you more consistency and flexibility. Say Hibernation's End, or Defense of the Heart, and Wild Pair

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Teaching Deck - Bear With Me

4 years ago

As someone who loves his bear deck, maybe add in Hibernation's End? It's a great card with Ayula, and it can definitely help teaching the weight a good mana curve bears in a deck.

Neotrup on Can Hibernations End find a …

4 years ago

No, it will matter how many age counters you are at. With Hibernation's End you'll need to find a creature with exactly that converted mana cost, so if there are 3 age counters you can find Lifeblood Hydra which will come in with 0 counters, but at 4 age counters you will not be able to find it. In all zones other than the stack, X=0.

sergiodelrio on Can Hibernations End find a …

4 years ago

Yes, Hibernation's End can find any creature, including hydras and other creatures that have in their cost. However, X will always be 0. X is not a varialble when searching. Whenever you're supposed to calculate a 'converted mana cost' of something, unless it's being cast from your hand and waiting to resolve on the stack, X will also be 0.

Pro tip: you can link a card by putting its name in double square brackets.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on $5 Bear Sleuth

4 years ago

This is another great cheap deck, awesome job. I really like the synergy between Syr Faren and Wolfbear. Another card that's great with Ayula is Hibernation's End.

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