
Instant (10)

Sorcery (2)

An aggro burn player's humble take on the izzet spellcaster. Coincidentally, it's sub-$30USD.

Land base: Nothing special. Spirebluff Canal would work here, but it's rotating out soon.

1-drops: Either (creature) burn, Opt, or ways to protect our creatures once they resolve.

2-drops: (Creature) burn and a little removal counter. If you can, Harnessed Lightning the Enigma Drake to stock up on energy for Dynavolt Tower. Technically, Cryptic Serpent, beatstick #2 goes here.

3-drops: Enigma Drake is beatstick #1. Gets nice and fat once you have enough cheap spells in the yard. Dynavolt Tower is beatstick #3. Just tap it whenever it gets fat enough and go to the dome.

4-drops: Glimmer of Genius to gather cards, search for your beatsticks, and pump the Tower.

Sideboard is mostly for control matchups, putting pressure on enchants/spells that come out, protecting our precious few beatsticks, and a few Ixalan artifact hate machines (Abrade) if we're too late.


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Removed the R card draws because they weren't helping me against removal and control. Replaced the R card draws with Dive Down/Negate for aforementioned removal and control. Added one more Dynavolt Tower so we can get more triggers on the field at a time.


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 2 Rares

16 - 0 Uncommons

24 - 10 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.55
Folders Future Decks
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