Sengir and Kediss - Dark Privilege (v1.6)

Commander / EDH KBK7101


v1.1 —Sept. 18, 2021

OUT - Blood Pet, Siege-Gang Commander, Terminate, Village Rites, Demonic Vigor, Widespread Brutality

IN - Diabolic Intent, Demonic Tutor, Vampiric Tutor, Shadowspear, Eat to Extinction, Deadly Rollick

CommanderNeyo says... #1

Out of curiosity, are you aware that Kediss isn't applying commander damage to each other opponent, so if you hit an opponent for 21 with Sengir, it still won't kill the other opponents (unless their life totals are low)?

September 13, 2021 2:22 p.m.

KBK7101 says... #2

I definitely did not know that and I'm really glad you pointed that out. Definitely would've looked like a fool if I had brought this out in public. Thanks!

I added a double-strike category and an extra-combats category to the maybeboard and I tweaked the primer a little bit to better reflect this.

September 13, 2021 2:50 p.m.

Your decks always seem like a lot of fun to go up against! Really fun power levels that still do interesting things. Hope you get to test this one out soon!

September 14, 2021 9:47 a.m.

Diamanacle says... #4

Howdy how!

So, I read through your deck and it looks like a blast to play. I run a similar deck, but with Vial Smasher the Fierce and Tevesh Szat. I haven't read the other comments (I know, I'm taking the risk of repeating something someone has already said) but, the only thing I think your deck is missing is some Exile spells there dude. Maybe I missed some cards reading through, but I don't think I did and I know I didn't see Shadowspear in the decklist, so, I don't know how your deck deals with hexproof and indestructible. That's the only thing I would suggest or feel your deck is "lacking". Throw an 'Eat to Extinction' in there and a couple other cards that Exile instead of destroy and if your deck was mid-range (I don't know your playgroup obviously)it might make it a more sure lock to win.

Also, I don't know how you feel about tutors, but I run a Kaalia of the Vast deck that relies on just the right pieces to win before turn 10. I try to get my Avacyn cast by turn 5 and then I use Odric, Lunarch Marshal and any creature with double strike and it's game over pretty quickly. I see your deck relies on getting your sac outlets to really get going (as my own Rakdos Sac deck does lol) so maybe throw a couple in? Dictate of Erebos is a beautiful card in this deck though, I love it!

I don't know the etiquette on the site here, but, am I allowed to build your deck here? I have like 90% of the pieces for it and would love giving it a try.

September 14, 2021 10:16 a.m.

KBK7101 says... #5

brandonplaysmagic -- Thanks!! I always like to try and make things a little bit more interesting than having to play against Korvold, Fae-Cursed King, Yarok, the Desecrated, Kess, Dissident Mage and Golos, Tireless Pilgrim (RIP) decks all the time. Experimenting with lesser known commanders is so fun!

Diamanacle -- Tevesh Szat, Doom of Fools is an amazing card and would be a fantastic Rakdos sacrifice commander. I don't have a Vial Smasher the Fierce but he seems super good, too! Exile cards always seem to cost a bit more, CMC-wise, which is why I opted for cheaper removal like Terminate or ones that could hit multiple types like Bedevil and Feed the Swarm. It does sound like a good, though. I'll add some to the maybeboard and see which ones I have laying around. As for tutors, they'd be great and I do have a one Demonic and Vampiric Tutor along with a Diabolic Intent in other decks. I was already debating adding them in, but... I have no idea what to cut. Suggestions?

As for copying this deck, have at it! If you end up posting it on here just mention me as an inspiration or something. I'd love to see it!

September 14, 2021 5:11 p.m.

Diamanacle says... #6

I'm at work right now, but when I get home I'll run downstairs to my magic room and have a look at my Raksac and see what I can come up with to get those tutors in there! And for sure I'll post it and put your name into it. Mine was lacking a bit of oomph, but if I configure mine a bit more like yours (a lot more lol) I think it'll get it over the hump!

September 15, 2021 3:40 p.m.

BPWyndon says... #7

I love the Dark Baron, nice to see someone else likes his potential, arguably he is a terrible card/commander, but I love the character none the less.

I would love to see how well Massacre Girl would work in a deck like this, it would essentially be a board wipe for everyone but the Baron, I have contemplated putting her in my Sengir deck but I just haven't pulled the trigger on it yet. Since your deck actually focuses on using the Baron, she seems like a decent fit.

September 17, 2021 12:39 p.m.

KBK7101 says... #8

Diamanacle - Sounds good! Looking forward to feedback. Cards that on the chopping block so far are Blood Pet, Greed, Demonic Vigor, Siege-Gang Commander and Torch Courier. Am probably gonna add Demonic Tutor, Vampiric Tutor, Diabolic Intent, Deadly Rollick and Shadowspear (which I forgot I had).

BPWyndon - Massacre Girl was in the deck while I was playtesting it before posting on here. She seems great, but whenever I add her to a deck I just end up flashing back using her on Arena with a board full of creatures and the resulting MASSIVE stack and it gives me a headache and I end up removing her. lol She definitely has potential though. I'll toss her on the maybeboard.

September 17, 2021 12:54 p.m.