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Mana Ramping for Big Hydras



This deck takes advantage of combos between mana rampers, such as Karametra's Acolyte + Kiora's Follower , causing your devotion to green to create multiplicative mana. The end goal of this deck is to get some powerful hydras out, but it can still hold it's own even if you don't draw them. There are a few cards in the deck that help with draw power, and devotion to green is another prevalent theme. I've thrown in some extra creatures to mix things up, but I don't know if it would be more useful to put in more sorcery/instant spells. Any help would be very much appreciated!

Also, I use this deck for casual play and don't really plan on using it for competitive play. I want it to be fun to play with and against, so keep that in mind when leaving your comments.

Thank you!


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years
Key combos

This deck is Legacy legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 0 Rares

16 - 0 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.33
Tokens Hydra */* G
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