Kiora's Crashing Monsters

Standard Mn3m0n1c


Adjustments —March 3, 2014

Decided to change a few things around mainboard

-1 Nylea, God of the Hunt

-2 Polukranos, World Eater

+3 Kalonian Hydra

One of this decks fears is a board wipe from Supreme Verdict & Mizzium Mortars etc. So when the opponent feels my board presence is too much and decides to tap out and wipe it. Drop Kalonian Hydra in response utilizing Prophet of Kruphix and swing for 8 on the following turn when they cant do anything about it!

Could be a potentially great place to use Aspect of Hydra or give from Give / Take pre combat for 14 damage.

Takes care of some of the trample problems to chump blockers too.

Mn3m0n1c says... #1

Did some playtesting. Won 4/5 matches against R/G Xenagos.Whether it be a turn 4 Worldspine Wurm or Prophet of Kruphix monster overload.or just the sickening mana capability of nykthos/Kiora follower/prophet.

the one loss was due to a late game heavy ramp with nykthos/xenagos planeswalker, into a stormbreath, & monster same turn, Domri to fight the Arbor Colossus in play, and swing in with a xenagos, God pump to 14 flying. So a pretty fortunate circumstance for R/G.

I will do some playtesting to see if I can make a Mono Green splash R/U for Kiora/Domri/Xenagos God.

February 19, 2014 10:35 a.m.

Mn3m0n1c says... #2

Small update regarding my description.

Mono blue is a bit difficult, however with some sideboard options.. it shouldnt be much different. There are a lot of answers for the problems that mono blue poses.I havent done the match post sideboard, so i'll have to give that a shot.I was just overly worried after watching the finals of SCGNASH Standard Open.watching an undefeated R/G monsters lose 2-0 to mono blue like it was nothing.

Although worried at first, this deck takes care of R/G Monsters/Devotion no problem.

February 19, 2014 10:40 a.m.

Mn3m0n1c says... #3

Some playtesting against Rakdos Control, (aka Demons & Dragons / Hand Destruction). won 5/6 matches as Kiora's Monsters.

Hand or not, rakdos cant keep up with the amount of threats being played. even with the card advantage, taking the extra hits from underworld connections and any loose ends.. one good monster with no answer and its over.However, once again this is pre-sideboard.. so of course rakdos will be subbing in four Lifebane Zombies.. which are easy to take care of with polukranos.

February 19, 2014 10:50 a.m.

Oatmeal says... #4

I would definitely remove 2 x Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx It's legendary so at best you tap into it for the devo then play your second one, use your floating mana to tap into that one and so on but your running a play-set of Kiora's Follower . I think you would get more use out of two more Forrest. How crappy would it be to draw into several of them.

since your running a play-set of Kiora's Follower its almost a crime not to at least attempt infinite mana with Illusionist's Bracers

February 19, 2014 12:39 p.m.

Mn3m0n1c says... #5

Thats actually pretty funny. I wonder If that could combo with some of the new inspired cards with Kiora's Follower .

would that even be worth adding? the only benefit I could see is to get out a quick Worldspine Wurm by other means... I would need an alternate mana sink for this "potential" combo to be worth it i think.

February 19, 2014 1:50 p.m.

Oatmeal says... #6

its difficult but possible.

T2 Kiora's Follower

T3 Kiora's Follower tap first follower to untap land play Illusionist's Bracers

T4 equip the bracers on a follower. tap other follower to untap land, retap land and tap equiped follower to untap land and other follower...shenanigans!

But you can see it coming a mile away if you cast the bracers. I wouldnt cast until you could equip them.

a turn 4 Worldspine Wurm is straight murder!!

February 19, 2014 2:40 p.m.

Mn3m0n1c says... #7

T1: Land Elvish Mystic

T2: Landx2 Kiora's Follower Elvish Mystic

T3: Landx3 Kiora's Follower Elvish Mystic

Could play and equip on turn 3, but it would be tapped and open for removal.I could go for that, but the other option is a Garruk on turn 4.adding to both devotion, and card advantage.going the bracer route, I'd need a pretty specific hand to run it.

Fun idea, but I dont think it would do anything beneficial.

February 19, 2014 2:51 p.m.

Cool deck! My only big suggestion- and it's a big one, since it would require a name change and different feature card- would be to replace Kiora with Jace, Architect of Thought . In almost every matchup, Jace is better. Against weenie aggro decks like MUD, RDW, GW and WW, his plus shuts them down, while Kiora goes to the sideboard since she's utterly useless. Against midrange and control like MBD and UWx, you need card advantage to outpace their removal, and Jace's minus easily outshines Kiora's in that regard. Again, Kiora probably gets sided out in the UWx control matchup since her plus does nothing and her minus doesn't net enough cards, while Jace not only beats her there but also holds off Elspeth, Sun's Champion . I honestly think Kiora is a sideboard card at best, and probably only really effective in Bant control decks where Supreme Verdict can protect her frail body and make her playable in a wider variety of matchups.

Otherwise, for your sideboard, I would highly recommend a few copies of Nylea's Disciple ; Scavenging Ooze seems like a longshot here since there are no kill spells. If you could find a way to fit in a couple Rapid Hybridization or Curse of the Swine that would be good too.

Here's my version of the deck: My Prophet, Your Loss (Top 4 FNM)

February 23, 2014 8:19 a.m.