Disappearing Torrential Gearhulk

Standard JerryW72


JerryW72 says... #8

Just thought of adding Panharmonicon to double up on Torrential Gearhulk's ability. Dynavolt Tower would work to hit some heavy damage since I have a lot of ways to get energy, but only Harnessed Lightning to spend it. Lastly Aetherworks Marvel to hopefully play one of the Torrential Gearhulk without paying any mana.

December 31, 2016 11:05 a.m.

JerryW72 says... #9

Just found out that I was way wrong on my thinking of Panharmonicon. So i'll most likely not be adding it in. Dynavolt Tower and Aetherworks Marvel are also in the running still.

Of the new cards that are coming out I really like Felidar Guardian and Baral, Chief of Compliance I'm going to look into adding them into my deck now.

January 9, 2017 7:44 p.m.

Ballzanya says... #10

Panharmonicon does indeed let you cast two instants from your graveyard if you have one on the battlefield. Creatures and artifacts which themselves have enter the battlefield triggers, will trigger twice because of panharmonicon.

January 9, 2017 8:59 p.m.

Ballzanya says... #11

with the gearhulk.

January 9, 2017 9 p.m.

Ballzanya says... #12

Also, you don't need Aether Theorist, Acrobatic Maneuver, or Deny Existence in your deck. Definitely add a couple Chandra, Flamecaller as she is cheap right now and her ability to -x and sweep the board often comes in handy. Also, the new counterspell coming out in Aether Revolt, Disallow will be really good in your sideboard.

January 9, 2017 9:04 p.m.

JerryW72 says... #13

Ballzanya, Thanks. I thought I was wrong In my thinking about Torrential Gearhulk's ability, but since I'm not it would be great to add. It would be great to cast glimmer from my graveyard along with a counter spell. with Aether Revolt coming out I'm planning on dropping the Acrobatic Maneuver and adding in Felidar Guardian in its place. I'll look more into Chandra, Flamecaller also. I've already been looking at Disallow it looks pretty awesome! Thanks for the advice!

January 9, 2017 10:33 p.m.

Why Unlicensed Disintegration? Is there not better removal in your colors? Seems a poor reason to splash black (especially since you're now 4 colors) when you don't even get the full value due to the complete lack of artifacts in your deck.

January 10, 2017 2:26 a.m.

JerryW72 says... #15

Alright, did some editing to get rid of all of the black cards. I only kept Unlicensed Disintegration for the creature removal. This is the first deck that I worked on, so my range of card knowledge wasn't the best. I've gotten a little better at it! What cards would you recommend instead? I've taken out a bunch of stuff and added more cards in. Thanks for all of your help guys!

January 10, 2017 8:32 a.m.

Oh, ok that makes sense. No worries. Hmm, if you did wanna splash black, not sure I recommend a four color deck for standard tho, Anguished Unmaking is really solid removal. Galvanic Bombardment is ok, but your Torrential Gearhulk will be exiling them from grave and that can interfere. A Shock might be better just because of versatility. Skywhaler's Shot is good for the big creatures that your Harnessed Lightnings can't hit. And the Shot can get recurred with Torrential Gearhulk, so I'd go with that unless you find something better.

January 10, 2017 6:33 p.m.

Ryjo says... #17

If you're worried about the Saheeli Rai + Felidar Guardian combo, Shock should be your go-to. You might also consider Brutal Expulsion, though it is pretty mana intensive. You can bounce a creature and get rid of Saheeli Rai at the same time. It's also useful against Mardu Vehicles since it can exile Scrapheap Scrounger and bounce a crewed vehicle.

February 18, 2017 9:19 p.m.

JerryW72 says... #18

Going to my first FNM Standard tournament tomorrow! Any advice or just plain wishing luck would be much appreciated! :P Any advice would be appreciated, but I could definitely use some help in stocking the sideboard!

@Ryjo Thanks! You're right Brutal Expulsion is mana intensive, but it could be really helpful. I've got to get my hands on an Authority of the Consuls too!

February 18, 2017 9:24 p.m.

jubale says... #19

Forget Authority against combo decks. They will remove it, and it does almost nothing while it lasts. Authority is GREAT against aggro decks. Dynavolt Tower is a better answer to Saheeli combo. Yes they can also remove it, but it has great value while it lives, gaining you energy for every instant you cast, and you can burn your opponent if there's no creature to target.

But maybe just Negate, Disallow, and Gearhulk into Disallow is all the answers you really need. Brutal Expulsion is quite good against GB decks.

February 18, 2017 11:06 p.m.

Trap7x says... #20

knock the Felidar Guardian out of the deck, if this is the interaction you want replace it with Eldrazi Displacer takes you a slot down the curve and lets you rebounce gearhulk as many times as you want and at instans speed so you can use counterspells, you probably want the 4th Aether Hub for the colorless mana as well.

February 19, 2017 8:31 a.m.

JerryW72 says... #21

That's a good idea! I'll look into getting some of those! We'll see if my LGS has some today! Thanks for the thought! I do like that it can use the ability more then once, where Felidar is one and done. Unless you have Saheeli of course.

February 19, 2017 9:16 a.m.

JerryW72 says... #22

Archived comments and added an update. Any and all new comments welcome!!

February 22, 2017 10:09 p.m.

Trap7x says... #23

After looking at this deck for a while and reviewing your game day results it looks like you will have some trouble stabalising a board if an opponent runs a low curve deck that can play 2 creatures a turn. IE anyone who can turn 1 Toolcraft Exemplar turn 2 Thraben Inspector and any other 1 drop. trying to catch up on that board with 1 for one removal becomes a hard race against your own dwindling life total, since you're in 3 colors it might be worth main decking the 2x Radiant Flames as a catch all board wipe to stabilize against aggressive decks, so often with 1 for 1 removal you end up behind when the opponent spent less mana for the creature or got some ETB effect or a few damage out of them before they were delt with. for dealing with the Saheeli Rai Felidar Guardian combo you should be alright runing all those maindeck counterspells, providing you play around that possibility when the opponents mana indicates they may be on that combo, if you want it might be worth subbing Shock in for either of your other red dmg spells, the first time Felidar Guardian bounces Saheeli Rai she returns with 3 loyalty they can -2 her to copy Felidar Guardian and you Shock in response targeting Saheeli Rai since Shock can hit players, 2 damage is added to the stack her counters are removed and the board state is checked killing her before the Felidar Guardian copy hits the board to bounce her.

February 23, 2017 2:28 a.m.

JerryW72 says... #24

Trap7x, you just made me realize that I didn't update my deck to the actual deck that I used at the tournament. I'll update that in the next couple hours.

February 23, 2017 11:42 a.m.

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