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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
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Pauper Duel Commander | Legal |
Pauper EDH | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
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Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Steadfast Cathar
Creature — Human Soldier
Whenever Steadfast Cathar attacks, it gets +0/+2 until end of turn.

TheDuggernaught on
7 years ago
With your limited card pool, I would suggest sticking to mono white weenies. This means cutting your big creatures (I would say anything over 4 cmc), and just sticking with the small creatures that are low to the ground. This strategy utilizes a "go wide" approach where you simply spit out too many creatures for your opponent to block. Things with flying are also very good with this strategy as once your opponent has creatures, they still might have difficulty blocking the ones with flying. The artifacts can also go. Artifacts generally cost a lot of tempo to both play and then equip. It is usually better to just play another creature. I would also consider adding the following cards from your collection: Bygone Bishop, Fiend Hunter, Bonds of Faith (acts as a pump if you need it, or pseudo-removal if you need it), Doomed Traveler, Steadfast Guard, Inspiring Captain, Steadfast Cathar, Kor Scythemaster, Kor Castigator, Mardu Hordechief, Fiend Binder, Elder Cathar, Dauntless Cathar, Cliffside Lookout, Nearheath Chaplain, Courageous Outrider, Sanctifier of Souls, Retreat to Emeria, Chapel Geist, Kor Bladewhirl. Serra Angel can be a good top end finisher. Most things with flying, produce tokens, and/or pump all creatures are good additions to a weenie deck.
I would up your lands count to 22, and I would try to have about seven 1-drops, about fifteen 2-drops, about twelve 3 drops, about five 4/5-drops. 22 lands will mean that you will hit your third land drop on turn 3 90% of the time when you are on the draw, and 85% of the time on the play. I would aim to have about 28-30 creatures creatures, and about 8-10 instants/sorceries/enchantments. This gets you to exactly 60 cards -- which is important. I could get into a lengthy mathematical explanation into why 60 cards is always the best -- but it essentially boils down to increasing the chances of drawing your best cards when you need them. It increases the consistency of the deck.
Firebones675 on
The Wright Brothers V1
7 years ago
Looks like a pretty good start!
You were right to consider putting in some cheaper creatures. One concept that newer players sometimes struggle with is called the mana curve. This is pretty much just describing the ratio of different mana costs in your deck. If the curve in bunched up to low and only contains low mana costs, it likely won't do well in the late game and if it has too many higher ones, they might die before they can be cast.
While the mana curve is pretty good, I think it could be adjusted just a tad. Right now other than cycling Hieroglyphic Illumination, you don't have anything you can do turn 1. This can put you behind and if your opponent has a fast start it could be rough for you. At the other end of the curve, you have some high mana cost cards. This is fine, especially in a more controlling defensive deck, but keep in mind they might not be cast until late into the game.
That being the case, you want your early game to stop what the opponent is doing in order to drag the game out to the endgame where your deck is strongest. Some of the early creatures you have like Steadfast Cathar or Guardian of Pilgrims are better on the attack then staying back on defense. If you have other cheap defensive creatures or ways to neutralize them with a removal spell, that will help you survive to the end game. Alternatively, mana acellerants like Hedron Archive can help get you up to the mana needed faster.
Lastly while I doubt your friends would give you too much trouble for it Tricks of the Trade and Victory's Herald are not legal in standard. All this really means though is you couldn't enter it in a sanctioned standard tournament so I wouldn't worry about it.
Firebones675 on
catch me
8 years ago
It's not for a specific card but I have 2 pointers
1) Ask yourself what kind of deck you want to be. Do you want to have a fast deck that can win before your opponent can stabilize, or do you want a deck that takes it slow, grinds out the game and wins with more expensive spells? Somewhere in the middle? There isn't a wrong answer to that question, it's just to help figure out a direction to move in. Some of your cards like Steadfast Cathar are at their best in fast decks that want to attack early and often whereas some of your cards like Aegis Angel are better the longer the game goes on as you are more likey to get the mana to cast it.
2) At present your deck is a bit inconsistent due to only having one of most of the different cards. As you get new cards, ask yourself which cards would i want to have in my hand the most and try to get extra copies of them (just be careful not to put too many expensive cards and not enough cheaper mana cards as soing that can lead to hands that don't do anything relevant until late game giving your opponent time to deal lots of damage)
Aedran on
G/W humans
8 years ago
elonth Will do next week, already have extra time this week so more time= more money. I'm also considering adding 4 Subjugator Angel you know for the kill swing against more stall based decks. Also what about Tireless Tracker in place of Steadfast Cathar and Dauntless Cathar?
elonth on
G/W humans
8 years ago
i get that you are clearly on a budget. but you need to just not bother using Steadfast Cathar and Dauntless Cathar go up to 4 thraben inspecters. Odric, Lunarch Marshal you also desperiatly need removal more than you need equestiran skill. 4 Angelic Purge are great for the deck as well as they let you sacrifice clues to trigger uvenwald mystery while dealing with a threat.
Yams on
GW humans
8 years ago
That really helps. I will move the Gryff's Boon to the side board and add 3x Stasis Snare. Maybe take out the Steadfast Cathar for 3x Lambholt Pacifist Flip.
I like the idea of lone rider, and had thought about it myself. I just found it was difficult to gain 3 life in one turn, but blessed alliance solves the problem so the Pious Evangel Flip well go out for 3x Lone Rider Flip and the two leftover cards from the first paragraph can go to Blessed Alliance.
-4 Gryff's Boon -4 Steadfast Cathar -3 Pious Evangel Flip+3 Lambholt Pacifist Flip +3 Stasis Snare +3 Lone Rider Flip +2 Blessed Alliance
xraycat11 on
GW humans
8 years ago
Sorry - one last consideration: Expedition Envoy is an inexpensive, solid 1-drop that will help flood the board. I think it's a better option than Steadfast Cathar.