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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pauper | Legal |
Pauper Duel Commander | Legal |
Pauper EDH | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Hunger of the Nim
Target creature gets +1/+0 until end of turn for each artifact you control.

AmoeboidChangeling on
Glaze and Mandible Brothers
2 years ago
Allan-Chefa-, hey man, I'm glad the deck did good! I actually might try this one myself later, around the summer. I already have some cards you use here, so I might try another version first, an artifact creatures deck without the lifedrain and prowess, and it that fails, I might just try this exact deck myself later on in the future.
I was actually thinking about recommending Vault Skirge for your deck! Didn't know if you knew about it. I'm glad you found it and put it in the deck, I also think it fits here really well.
If you're looking for different creatures still, the ones that come into my mind are Pierce Strider and Peace Strider although their mana cost might be a little too much for what they do. Maybe a copy of Hunger of the Nim... But that's very occasional, if it works or not.
Good luck for your next testings, hope the deck will run well!
Gattison on
BCC Week 6 | Gallowbraid
4 years ago
I like it! +1! This deck looks fun and I may build something like it myself one day. Did you consider Hunger of the Nim at all? Or do you not like it because it's a sorcery? Either way I love some the card choices you've made, so good job!
Thanks for taking my suggestion! Oh, and Happy Thanksgiving!
eyes2sky on
Uncle Istvan | pEDH
6 years ago
Uncle AXstivan looks like fun! Never seen him before, first impression is he is a brick on the field that can take a beating. Voltron him? Maybe. Can he win games on his own? Maybe. I would use him as a stall/sometimes beater till your end game pieces are in place which at the moment looks like life-drain through some cruel control (like discard and hand hate like Distress for example. Death Watch might be a good fit also). I like the idea of a 'swamps' matter/devotion thing you have so far (Gary, Drain life, etc). I really like decks that are versatile and can change direction when needed. Your Uncle is still easily removed, so you might want some protection for him like Whispersilk Cloak for example(esp if you are going for an artifact synergy with Cranial Plating...also: Nim Shrieker and Hunger of the Nim if you go in that direction). But like Gattison mentions plenty of graveyard effects helps avoid comm-tax. And speaking of graveyards Nihil Spellbomb would fit here as well. As far as Swamps-matter I would consider cards like Death Wind, Howl from Beyond, Infernal Harvest and for ramp and artifact synergy: Armillary Sphere. Also for some added instant black-mana to feed those x-spells there is also Liturgy of Blood which feeds a dual purpose. I'll be sure to check back when you make updates. Happy PDHing!
escobert on
8 years ago
Thanks Boza I do like Krark-Clan Shaman. Hunger of the Nim works well with Vault Skirge or, if I don't draw an Atog I can Fling a Frogmite or Myr Servitor with it. But, I think i'lll find a spot for a few Krarks.
Boza on
8 years ago
The problem I see is that you are doing nothing but cycling through your deck until you find the fling/atog you need. "normal" affinity list mitigate this problem by piling on the aggression with cards like Carapace Forger and Auriok Sunchaser.
There is no contingency plan here for when you don't draw the combo pieces.
Hunger of the Nim is an especially weak card. Substitute it with something like Krark-Clan Shaman to improve your chance to draw into a combo with that and a couple of disciples.
Zigen on
Lodestone Bomb
9 years ago
I am really shocked that you don't have these in your deck.. or even the side board..Hunger of the Nim, Irradiate.
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