Krark-Clan Shaman

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Krark-Clan Shaman

Creature — Goblin Shaman

Sacrifice an artifact: Krark-Clan Shaman deals 1 damage to each creature without flying.

Balaam__ on American Pickers

2 years ago

Thanks for posting, Spell_Slam. The Sideboard is not finished (it’s sitting at 19 cards as of now) and I’ll be tinkering on that the next few days. I do really like Pyroblast and I’ll probably slot that in.

As for the maindeck suggestions, I’ll have to take a look at your build of the deck but I don’t think they’re a good fit for the shell I have here, at least not without a full rebuild. I’m content with the mono ish variety for now, so that pretty much limits the only card(s) to Disciple of the Vault. Having a at the ready for a Turn 1 or 2 Duress isn’t reliable.

Krark-Clan Shaman is a definite No; it’ll nuke our Disciple (and itself) for no real payoff. We can get a Myr Retriever into the graveyard through looting spells and profit more. Same with Fiery Cannonade. Although Galvanic Blast might be worth considering over Lightning Bolt as you mentioned; it’s less $ if nothing else.

Spell_Slam on American Pickers

2 years ago

Funnily enough, I started out Rakdos and went Mono-Black instead with my version of the deck.

I find you don't need so many win conditions in your deck when you do so much drawing. Disciple is pretty reliable when you win the turn you cast him. I went down to 4 Disciple and 2 Mortician Beetles, personally. I could see cutting to 2 Impact Tremors here as well.

I tested Filigree Familiar a bit and have liked it a lot. It plays way better than it looks on paper. I could see these over Sojourner's Companion.

Why not Galvanic Blast over Lightning Bolt in the mainboard? Seems like a pretty easy upgrade.

Is your sideboard meant to transform you into some kind of burn deck? I could see lots of other useful cards here insted. Pyroblast,Duress, some recursion like Reaping the Graves, Krark-Clan Shaman, Fiery Cannonade. Anything to slow down aggro opponents or let you combo through control decks seems like a good place to start.

plakjekaas on Blue players

3 years ago

Instead of thud, use Krark-Clan Shaman . Mycosynth Lattice turns Nikya of the Old Ways into an artifact to sacrifice.

Hydra_guy on Rush Artifact storm/delve

3 years ago

Force of will is now banned but other than that the deck looks great. you could consider Krark-Clan Shaman as another wincon

TogbusPrime on

4 years ago

I'd definitely drop Implements of Sacrifice and Treasure Keeper, and recommend dropping Cathodion, Order of Whiteclay, and Feldon too. Seems like it could use more sac outlets like Arcbound Ravager, Goblin Bombardment, Culling Dais, Dark-Dweller Oracle, Fanatical Devotion, Jinxed Idol, Krark-Clan Shaman, and Slobad, Goblin Tinkerer. I'd also think about any of the creatures that make Treasure when they enter or die, Brass's Bounty, Smothering Tithe, Hangarback Walker, Hoarding Dragon, Scrapyard Recombiner, Servo Schematic, Bloodfire Infusion

fabiocbinbutter on Defend the Dino! - Pauper EDH

6 years ago

Cool theme! Here's some suggestions:

lagotripha on Dinosaur

6 years ago

If you're playing modern, there aren't any good dinosaurs bar Deathmist Raptor, and thats only really playable in morph.

You do get some amazing deck tools- from Cavern of Souls to Avacyn's Pilgrim, Atarka's Command to Mirror Entity and Taurean Mauler. Ashes of the Fallen, Conspiracy, Roar of the Crowd, Shared Animosity. Cherished Hatchling alongside cards like Scout's Warning are major options.

All that said, you want to play enrage if you're playing dinosaurs in competitive modern. Good 1/2/3 drops with interesting synergies are the core of the format, with . Arcbond Inflame Krark-Clan Shaman Kindle the Carnage and similar is all there alongside a bunch of abusable fight effects and protection effects.

BaronBrademon on RB Artifact Sacrifice

7 years ago

Really like the look of this deck. Being a fan of Ravenous Intruder has prompted some research into Atog. A Lot of old Atog decks included Fling. Stumbling across this deck has made me realise that fling is pauper legal too! Thank you for the inspiration, I may have to build a pauper atog/fling deck based on this.

I am fairly new back to the game and like the look of the Krark-Clan Shaman. Two creatures I like including in decks that appreciate artifacts hitting the battlefield from the new sets are Reckless Fireweaver and Salivating Gremlins, both of which seem to be pauper legal.

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