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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal


Creature — Human Cleric

Cleric spells you cast cost (White)(Black) less to cast. This effect reduces only the amount of colored mana you pay. (For example, if you cast a Cleric spell with mana cost 1(White), it costs 1 to cast.)

Apollo_Paladin on Cleric tribal

1 year ago

A few Edgewalkers could be a good fit here; would make a lot of your creatures free to cast.

MEINEID on JLK's Shadowborn Apostle Deck | Game Knights Live

2 years ago

Hello, I think Carnival of Souls could be a thrilling addition to this deck. It could act as a second Edgewalker which is probably the best card in the deck and if paired with some Soul Warden like effect (Blood Artist could work too) it might even be better.

Eareph on Keepers of the Hallowed Dead [Primer]

2 years ago

Oh, I didn't even know Edgewalker existed. I thought I was pretty thorough with the cleric search, but I guess I missed this awesome guy. I'll definitely add it!

I feel like I added Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim in an earlier version, but I took it out for some reason, don't remember the reason, but...

Vessiliana on Keepers of the Hallowed Dead [Primer]

2 years ago

Have you thought about Edgewalker? I have found it to be really useful in my clerics deck. Also, Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim is great for any kind of incidental deaths.

Stardragon on Tribal Support for under used …

2 years ago

Last_Laugh- idk what your talking about I it built a cleric BW tribe deck and its great. It's not a tier 1 CEDH deck true but like no tribes are used in CEDH other than goblins, elves and ninjas. I've won some tough matchs with my deck, clerics are a solid tribe hell they have one of the best lords in the game in Edgewalker

Yisan- just build elves like 90% of drayds are elves sadly so you could a double tribe of using only elvish dryads lol

TypicalTimmy- I agree we need more lower cost cows. Hydras... I not so sure than need it unless theres a specific color commander you want.

SufferFromEDHD on Black Bolt | Athreos, Shadowborn [PRIMER]

2 years ago

Edgewalker + Remembrance + Thrumming Stone is absolute poetry. A clever yet terrifying engine.

Secret Salvage absolute janky bulk rare zero turns into this decks hero.

Imp's Mischief and Rebuff the Wicked offer this combo adequate protection.

Vanishing Verse surprisingly useful.

Battletide Alchemist or Master Apothecary worth a spot?

Starlit Sanctum might be useful.

Tainted Pact is not good in this deck either haha. My suggestion would be Boseiju, Who Shelters All. Urborg "fixes" it while it offers your game winning spells guaranteed delivery.

squiGGhetti on Cleric Tempo

2 years ago


Yeah, as far as this deck goes, I've been working on assembling it for about 2 or so years now, and I keep telling myself, "This is it. I'm finally done." It used to be far more casual/slow. Lots of play testing went into figuring out the best cards for it, as well as lucky finds in new-to-me sets. The legacy version of it is not much different aside from lands and a few creatures. I do miss Edgewalker, Karakas, and Swords to Plowshares, but legacy is a far faster format than this deck could probably ever efficiently be. MTG has been a learning curve for me as I would still consider myself a new player. Fortunately, I had very knowlageable competitive mentors.

Do you have a link to the deck you're building? I would love to take a look at it! Pyre of Heroes accels in tribal decks. By the looks of Eldritch Evolution, it would be better in a deck with no specif creature type theme. Pending your colors, there might even be better options.

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